MicroRNA Let-7i Negatively Regulates Cardiac Inflammation and Fibrosis


Wang Xia1,Wang Hong-Xia1,Li Yu-Lin1,Zhang Cong-Cong1,Zhou Chun-Yu1,Wang Lei1,Xia Yun-Long1,Du Jie1,Li Hui-Hua1


1. From the Department of Pathology and Pathophysiology, School of Basic Medical Sciences (X.W., H.-X.W., C.-Y.Z., H.-H.L.) and Beijing AnZhen Hospital, The Key Laboratory of Remodeling-Related Cardiovascular Diseases, Ministry of Education, Beijing Institute of Heart Lung and Blood Vessel Diseases (Y.-L.L., C.-C.Z., J.D., H.-H.L.), Capital Medical University, Beijing, China; and Department of Cardiology, Institute of Cardiovascular Diseases, First Affiliated Hospital of Dalian Medical University,...


Angiotensin II stimulates fibroblast proliferation and substantially alters gene expression patterns leading to cardiac remodeling, but the mechanisms for such differences are unknown. MicroRNAs are a novel mechanism for gene expression regulation. Herein, we tested the miRNA and mRNA expression patterns in mouse heart using microarray assay and investigated their role in angiotensin II–induced cardiac remodeling. We found that let-7i was dynamically downregulated in angiotensin II–infused heart at day 3 and 7 and had the most targets that were mainly associated with cardiac inflammation and fibrosis. Overexpression or knockdown of let-7i in cultured cardiac fibroblasts demonstrated that let-7i played an inhibitory effect on the expression of its targets interleukin-6 and collagens. Furthermore, delivery of let-7i to mouse significantly inhibited angiotensin II–induced cardiac inflammation and fibrosis in a dose-dependent manner. Conversely, knockdown of let-7i aggravated this effect. Together, our results clearly demonstrate that let-7i acts as a novel negative regulator of angiotensin II–induced cardiac inflammation and fibrosis by suppressing the expression of interleukin-6 and multiple collagens in the heart and may represent a new potential therapeutic target for treating hypertensive cardiac fibrosis.


Ovid Technologies (Wolters Kluwer Health)


Internal Medicine








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