Chitosan-Based Antibacterial Films for Biomedical and Food Applications


Khubiev Omar M.1ORCID,Egorov Anton R.1ORCID,Kirichuk Anatoly A.1,Khrustalev Victor N.12,Tskhovrebov Alexander G.1ORCID,Kritchenkov Andreii S.13ORCID


1. Faculty of Science, Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia (RUDN University), Miklukho-Maklaya St. 6, 117198 Moscow, Russia

2. Zelinsky Institute of Organic Chemistry RAS, Leninsky Prosp. 47, 119991 Moscow, Russia

3. Institute of Technical Acoustics NAS of Belarus, Ludnikova Prosp. 13, 210009 Vitebsk, Belarus


Antibacterial chitosan films, versatile and eco-friendly materials, have garnered significant attention in both the food industry and medicine due to their unique properties, including biodegradability, biocompatibility, and antimicrobial activity. This review delves into the various types of chitosan films and their distinct applications. The categories of films discussed span from pure chitosan films to those enhanced with additives such as metal nanoparticles, metal oxide nanoparticles, graphene, fullerene and its derivatives, and plant extracts. Each type of film is examined in terms of its synthesis methods and unique properties, establishing a clear understanding of its potential utility. In the food industry, these films have shown promise in extending shelf life and maintaining food quality. In the medical field, they have been utilized for wound dressings, drug delivery systems, and as antibacterial coatings for medical devices. The review further suggests that the incorporation of different additives can significantly enhance the antibacterial properties of chitosan films. While the potential of antibacterial chitosan films is vast, the review underscores the need for future research focused on optimizing synthesis methods, understanding structure-property relationships, and rigorous evaluation of safety, biocompatibility, and long-term stability in real-world applications.


Russian Science Foundation




Inorganic Chemistry,Organic Chemistry,Physical and Theoretical Chemistry,Computer Science Applications,Spectroscopy,Molecular Biology,General Medicine,Catalysis







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