Whey Protein Powder Analysis by Mid-Infrared Spectroscopy


Saxton Rose,McDougal Owen M.ORCID


There is an ever-expanding number of high protein dietary supplements marketed as beneficial to athletes, body builders, infant formulas, elder care, and animal feed. Consumers will pay more for products with high protein per serving data on their nutritional labels, making the accurate reporting of protein content critical to customer confidence. The Kjeldahl method (KM) is the industry standard to quantitate dairy proteins, but the result is based on nitrogen content, which is an approximation of nitrogen attributable to protein in milk. Product tampering by third-party manufacturers is an issue, due to the lack of United States Food and Drug Administration regulation of nutraceutical products, permitting formulators to add low-cost nitrogen-containing components to artificially inflate the KM approximated protein content in products. Optical spectroscopy is commonly used for quality control measurements and has been identified as having the potential to complement the KM as a more nuanced testing measure of dairy protein. Mid-infrared (MIR) spectroscopy spectra of eight protein standards provided qualitative characterization of each protein by amide I and amide II peak absorbance wavenumber. Protein doping experiments revealed that as protein amounts were increased, the amide I/II peak shape changed from the broad protein powder peaks to the narrower peaks characteristic of the individual protein. Amino acid doping experiments with lysine, glutamic acid, and glycine, determined the limit of detection by MIR spectroscopy as 25%, suggesting that MIR spectroscopy can provide product quality assurance complementary to dairy protein measurement by the KM.






Plant Science,Health Professions (miscellaneous),Health (social science),Microbiology,Food Science

Reference44 articles.

1. Essential Cell Biology: Protein Structure and Function;Alberts,2010

2. Milk Proteins: From Expression to Food: Structure and Stability of Whey Proteins;Edwards,2009

3. Encyclopedia of Food Sciences and Nutrition: MILK|Physical and Chemical Properties;Otter,2003

4. Rational design of enzyme compositions for the production of functional hydrolysates of cow milk whey proteins

5. Direct observation of alpha-lactalbumin, adsorption and incorporation into lipid membrane and formation of lipid/protein hybrid structures








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