A Chip Digital PCR Assay for Quantification of Common Wheat Contamination in Pasta Production Chain


Morcia Caterina,Bergami Raffaella,Scaramagli SoniaORCID,Ghizzoni Roberta,Carnevali Paola,Terzi ValeriaORCID


Pasta, the Italian product par excellence, is made of pure durum wheat. The use of Triticum durum derived semolina is in fact mandatory for Italian pasta, in which Triticum aestivum species is considered a contamination that must not exceed the 3% maximum level. Over the last 50 years, various electrophoretic, chemical, and immuno-chemical methods have been proposed aimed to track the possible presence of common wheat in semolina and pasta. More recently, a new generation of methods, based on DNA (DeoxyriboNucleic Acid) analysis, has been developed to this aim. Species traceability can be now enforced by a new technology, namely digital Polymerase Chain Reaction (dPCR) which quantify the number of target sequence present in a sample, using limiting dilutions, PCR, and Poisson statistics. In our work we have developed a duplex chip digital PCR (cdPCR) assay able to quantify common wheat presence along pasta production chain, from raw materials to final products. The assay was verified on reference samples at known level of common wheat contamination and applied to commercial pastas sampled in the Italian market.


Horizon 2020




Plant Science,Health Professions (miscellaneous),Health (social science),Microbiology,Food Science

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