The Influence of Thyroid Hormone on Ca 2+ Signaling Pathways During Embryonal Development


Krebs Joachim1


1. NMR-based Structural Biology, Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry, Göttingen, Germany


Thyroid hormones influence brain development through the regulation of gene expression. Ca2+-dependent gene expression is a major pathway controlled by the Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase IV (CaMKIV), which in turn is induced by the thyroid hormone T3, as also demonstrated in a mouse embryonic stem cell line. In addition, T3 controls the expression of neurexin, synaptotagmin2 (SYT2), synaptotagmin-related gene1 (SRG1), and a number of other genes involved in neurotransmitter release in a Ca2+-dependent manner. It has been noticed that the development of dopaminergic neurons by evoking significant calcium entry occurs through TRPC calcium channels. It was also demonstrated that the T3-mediated development of an early neuronal network is characteristic for depolarizing GABAergic neurons concomitant with intracellular calcium transients. An important aspect of T3-dependent regulation of gene expression in the developing brain is its modulation by the transcription activator COUP-TF1. Regulation of alternative splicing by CaMKIV is another important aspect for embryonal neural development since it can lead to the expression of PMCA1a, the neuronal-specific isoform of the plasma membrane calcium pump. Maternal hypothyroidism or CaMKIV deficiency can have a severe influence on fetal brain development.


Bentham Science Publishers Ltd.


Drug Discovery,General Medicine







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