Identification of three podoviruses infectingKlebsiellaencoding capsule depolymerases that digest specific capsular types


Pan Yi‐Jiun1,Lin Tzu‐Lung2,Chen Yi‐Yin3,Lai Peng‐Hsuan1,Tsai Yun‐Ting1,Hsu Chun‐Ru4,Hsieh Pei‐Fang5,Lin Yi‐Tsung6,Wang Jin‐Town57ORCID


1. Department of Microbiology and Immunology School of Medicine China Medical University Taichung Taiwan

2. Department of Medical Biotechnology and Laboratory science College of Medicine Chang Gung University Taoyuan Taiwan

3. Department of Pediatrics College of Medicine Chang Gung Children's Hospital Chang Gung Memorial Hospital Chang Gung University Taoyuan Taiwan

4. Department of Medical Research E‐Da Hospital Kaohsiung Taiwan

5. Department of Microbiology National Taiwan University College of Medicine Taipei Taiwan

6. Division of Infectious Diseases Department of Medicine Taipei Veterans General Hospital Taipei Taiwan

7. Department of Internal Medicine National Taiwan University Hospital Taipei Taiwan


Ministry of Science and Technology

National Taiwan University

National Taiwan University Hospital

China Medical University

China Medical University Hospital




Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology,Biochemistry,Bioengineering,Biotechnology

Reference76 articles.

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