Spike sorting based on discrete wavelet transform coefficients


Letelier Juan Carlos,Weber Pamela P.


Elsevier BV


General Neuroscience

Reference25 articles.

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1. DualSort: online spike sorting with a running neural network;Journal of Neural Engineering;2023-10-01

2. Signature Analysis Algorithm in Parametric Systems of Leak Detection in Pipeline Transport;2023 International Ural Conference on Electrical Power Engineering (UralCon);2023-09-29

3. A Five-Channel Weighted Real-Time Algorithm for High-Density Electrodes Spike Sorting;2023 45th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine & Biology Society (EMBC);2023-07-24

4. Spike sorting algorithms and their efficient hardware implementation: a comprehensive survey;Journal of Neural Engineering;2023-04-01

5. Data Transformation in the Processing of Neuronal Signals: A Powerful Tool to Illuminate Informative Contents;IEEE Reviews in Biomedical Engineering;2023








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