Virus sharing, genetic sequencing, and global health security


Gostin Lawrence O.1,Phelan Alexandra1,Stoto Michael A.2,Kraemer John D.12,Reddy K. Srinath3


1. O’Neill Institute for National and Global Health Law, Georgetown University Law Center, Washington, DC 20001, USA.

2. Department of Health Systems Administration, Georgetown University, Washington, DC 20057, USA.

3. President, Public Health Foundation of India, New Delhi 110070, India.


This Perspective focuses on the future of the Pandemic Influenza Preparedness (PIP) Framework, which was initially established to promote the fair sharing of public health–related pandemic influenza samples between countries. We examine the changes that need to be made to address the growing likelihood that genetic sequence data might be shared instead of physical virus samples, as well as the need to expand the PIP framework’s scope and to improve its fairness.


American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS)



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