The Neuropsychology of Movement and Movement Disorders: Neuroanatomical and Cognitive Considerations


Haaland Kathleen Y.,Dum Richard P.,Mutha Pratik K.,Strick Peter L.,Tröster Alexander I.


AbstractThis paper highlights major developments over the past two to three decades in the neuropsychology of movement and its disorders. We focus on studies in healthy individuals and patients, which have identified cognitive contributions to movement control and animal work that has delineated the neural circuitry that makes these interactions possible. We cover advances in three major areas: (1) the neuroanatomical aspects of the “motor” system with an emphasis on multiple parallel circuits that include cortical, corticostriate, and corticocerebellar connections; (2) behavioral paradigms that have enabled an appreciation of the cognitive influences on the preparation and execution of movement; and (3) hemispheric differences (exemplified by limb praxis, motor sequencing, and motor learning). Finally, we discuss the clinical implications of this work, and make suggestions for future research in this area. (JINS, 2017, 23, 768–777)


Cambridge University Press (CUP)


Psychiatry and Mental health,Neurology (clinical),Clinical Psychology,General Neuroscience

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