Approach to provide interpretability in machine learning models for image classification


Stadlhofer Anja,Mezhuyev Vitaliy


AbstractOne of the main reasons why machine learning (ML) methods are not yet widely used in productive business processes is the lack of confidence in the results of an ML model. To improve the situation, interpretability methods may be used, which provide insight into the internal structure of an ML model, and criteria, based on which the model makes a certain prediction. This paper aims to consider the state of the art in interpretability methods and apply the selected methods to an industrial use case. Two methods, called LIME and SHAP, were selected from the literature and next implemented in the use case for image classification using a convolutional neural network. The research methodology consists of three parts, the first is the literature analysis, followed by the practical implementation of an ML model for image classification and the subsequent application of the interpretability methods, and the third part is a multi-criteria comparison of selected LIME and SHAP methods. This work enables companies to select the most effective interpretability method according to their use case and also to increase companies’ motivation for using ML.


Springer Science and Business Media LLC

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