Explainable machine learning in deployment


Bhatt Umang1,Xiang Alice2,Sharma Shubham3,Weller Adrian4,Taly Ankur5,Jia Yunhan6,Ghosh Joydeep7,Puri Ruchir8,Moura José M. F.9,Eckersley Peter2


1. Carnegie Mellon University and Partnership on AI and University of Cambridge and Leverhulme CFI

2. Partnership on AI

3. University of Texas at Austin

4. University of Cambridge and Leverhulme CFI and The Alan Turing Institute

5. Fiddler Labs

6. Baidu

7. University of Texas at Austin and CognitiveScale

8. IBM Research

9. Carnegie Mellon University


David MacKay Newton research fellowship at Darwin College

The Alan Turing Institute

DeepMind via the Leverhulme Centre for the Future of Intelligence (CFI)

Partnership on AI research fellowship

Leverhulme Trust via CFI



Reference71 articles.

1. 2019. IBM'S Principles for Data Trust and Transparency. https://www.ibm.com/blogs/policy/trust-principles/ 2019. IBM'S Principles for Data Trust and Transparency. https://www.ibm.com/blogs/policy/trust-principles/

2. 2019. Our approach: Microsoft AI principles. https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/ai/our-approach-to-ai 2019. Our approach: Microsoft AI principles. https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/ai/our-approach-to-ai

3. Sarah Adel Bargal Andrea Zunino Donghyun Kim Jianming Zhang Vittorio Murino and Stan Sclaroff. 2018. Excitation backprop for RNNs. In 'Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition'. 1440--1449. Sarah Adel Bargal Andrea Zunino Donghyun Kim Jianming Zhang Vittorio Murino and Stan Sclaroff. 2018. Excitation backprop for RNNs. In 'Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition'. 1440--1449.

4. Towards Algorithmic Experience

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