1 A synaptic and circuit basis for corollary discharge in the auditory cortex
来源:NATURE( P 0028-0836 E 1476-4687 ) 发表时间: 2014/09
类型:期刊论文 为本人加分:48881.129693
2 Precise auditory-vocal mirroring in neurons for learned vocal communication
来源:NATURE( P 0028-0836 E 1476-4687 ) 发表时间: 2008/01
类型:期刊论文 为本人加分:38562.134826
3 Rapid spine stabilization and synaptic enhancement at the onset of behavioural learning
来源:NATURE( P 0028-0836 E 1476-4687 ) 发表时间: 2010/02
类型:期刊论文 为本人加分:32730.134826
4 A cortical filter that learns to suppress the acoustic consequences of movement
来源:NATURE( P 0028-0836 E 1476-4687 ) 发表时间: 2018/09
类型:期刊论文 为本人加分:30129.129693
5 Different subthreshold mechanisms underlie song selectivity in identified HVc neurons of the zebra f..
来源:J NEUROSCI( P 0270-6474 E ) 发表时间: 2000/07
类型:期刊论文 为本人加分:25751.526419
6 A mesocortical dopamine circuit enables the cultural transmission of vocal behaviour
来源:NATURE( P 0028-0836 E 1476-4687 ) 发表时间: 2018/11
类型:期刊论文 为本人加分:23010.134826
7 synaptic basis for developmental plasticity in a birdsong nucleus
来源:J NEUROSCI( P 0270-6474 E ) 发表时间: 1992/07
类型:期刊论文 为本人加分:21671.526419
8 Neural mechanisms for learned birdsong
来源:LEARN MEMORY( P 1072-0502 E 1549-5485 ) 发表时间: 2009/11
类型:期刊论文 为本人加分:20253.160580
9 The Basal Forebrain and Motor Cortex Provide Convergent yet Distinct Movement-Related Inputs to the ..
来源:NEURON( P 0896-6273 E 1097-4199 ) 发表时间: 2016/05
类型:期刊论文 为本人加分:16738.224784
10 Neurobiology of song learning
来源:CURR OPIN NEUROBIOL( P 0959-4388 E 1873-6882 ) 发表时间: 2009/12
类型:期刊论文 为本人加分:15315.738957