

Ren, Shasha 南京医科大学被知名学者引用:23人次(黄金会员以上可以申请导出本人论文被全部知名学者引用的数据)

1. Ivan,Martin 瑞士 University of Basel Covalent Conjugation of Small Molecule Inhibitors and Growth Factors to a Silk Fibroin-Derived Bioin..

2. Francis,Berenbaum 法国 Pierre and Marie Curie University Harnessing the multifunctionality of lipid-based drug delivery systems for the local treatment of os..

3. Oliver,Distler 瑞士 University of Zurich Harnessing the multifunctionality of lipid-based drug delivery systems for the local treatment of os..

4. Leslie Y,Yeo 澳大利亚 RMIT University Sonomechanobiology: Vibrational stimulation of cells and its therapeutic implications

5. Braden C,Fleming 美国 Brown University Transcriptomic changes in porcine articular cartilage one year following disruption of the anterior ..

6. Martha M,Murray 美国 Harvard University Transcriptomic changes in porcine articular cartilage one year following disruption of the anterior ..

7. 徐家科 澳大利亚 University of Western Australia The role of integrin family in bone metabolism and tumor bone metastasis

8. Daniel O,Clegg 美国 University of Utah Effect of Pulsed Low-Intensity Ultrasonography on Symptom Relief and Tibiofemoral Articular Cartilag..

9. Tom F,Lue 美国 University of California-San Francisco Low-intensity pulsed ultrasound stimulates proliferation of stem/progenitor cells: what we need to k..

10. 林开利 中国 上海交通大学医学院 研究员 Effect of quercetin on chondrocyte phenotype and extracellular matrix expression

11. Fan,Yang 美国 Stanford University Nanoparticle-Mediated TGF-beta Release from Microribbon-Based Hydrogels Accelerates Stem Cell-Based ..

12. Ki-Chul,Hwang 韩国 Catholic Kwandong University A Combinational Therapy of Articular Cartilage Defects: Rapid and Effective Regeneration by Using Lo..

13. 郭雄 中国 西安交通大学 Proteomic analysis of knee cartilage reveals potential signaling pathways in pathological mechanism ..

14. Andreas K,Nussler 德国 University of TUBINGEN Cigarette Smoke Induces the Risk of Metabolic Bone Diseases: Transforming Growth Factor Beta Signali..

15. Ozaki, Toshifumi 日本 Okayama University Possible reparative effect of low-intensity pulsed ultrasound (LIPUS) on injured meniscus

16. Masaharu,Takigawa 日本 Okayama University Possible reparative effect of low-intensity pulsed ultrasound (LIPUS) on injured meniscus

17. Farach-Carson, Mary C. 美国 University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston Perlecan/HSPG2: Signaling role of domain IV in chondrocyte clustering with implications for Schwartz..

18. Hasan,Uludag 加拿大 University of Alberta reactive oxygen species mediate therapeutic ultrasound-induced, mitogen-activated protein kinase act..

19. Xiaofeng,Yang 美国 Temple University Low-Intensity Ultrasound-Induced Anti-inflammatory Effects Are Mediated by Several New Mechanisms In..

20. Hasan,Uludag 加拿大 University of Alberta Effect of Increasing Low-Intensity Pulsed Ultrasound and a Functional Appliance on the Mandibular Co..








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