

Zhang, Yi-bing 中国青年大学政治学被知名学者引用:80人次(黄金会员以上可以申请导出本人论文被全部知名学者引用的数据)

1. Barbara Landau 美国 Johns Hopkins University 2018美国科学院院士 Spatial language difficulties reflect the structure of intact spatial representation: Evidence from ..

2. 高天明 中国 南方医科大学 2021中国工程院院士 Multi-level genomic analyses suggest new genetic variants involved in human memory

3. Tobias,Banaschewski 德国 University of Heidelberg Connectome-wide Mega-analysis Reveals Robust Patterns of Atypical Functional Connectivity in Autism

4. Charman, T. 英国 King's College London Connectome-wide Mega-analysis Reveals Robust Patterns of Atypical Functional Connectivity in Autism

5. Declan G. M,Murphy 英国 Kings College London Connectome-wide Mega-analysis Reveals Robust Patterns of Atypical Functional Connectivity in Autism

6. Christine,Ecker 德国 Goethe University Frankfurt Connectome-wide Mega-analysis Reveals Robust Patterns of Atypical Functional Connectivity in Autism

7. Christian F,Beckmann 荷兰 Radboud University Nijmegen Connectome-wide Mega-analysis Reveals Robust Patterns of Atypical Functional Connectivity in Autism

8. Alex,Fornito 澳大利亚 Monash University Connectome-wide Mega-analysis Reveals Robust Patterns of Atypical Functional Connectivity in Autism

9. Jan K,Buitelaar 荷兰 Radboud University Nijmegen Connectome-wide Mega-analysis Reveals Robust Patterns of Atypical Functional Connectivity in Autism

10. Lai, Meng-Chuan 加拿大 University of Toronto The autism spectrum among transgender youth: default mode functional connectivity

11. Kevin A,Pelphrey 美国 University of Virginia The autism spectrum among transgender youth: default mode functional connectivity

12. 申立银 中国 重庆大学 教授 博导 Residents' perceptions on the urban resources environment in Chinese large cities

13. Francis,Eustache 法国 Normandie University Brain correlates of declarative memory atypicalities in autism: a systematic review of functional ne..

14. Helen,Tager-Flusberg 美国 Boston University Altered engagement of the speech motor network is associated with reduced phonological working memor..

15. John D. E,Gabrieli 美国 Massachusetts Institute of Technology, MIT Altered engagement of the speech motor network is associated with reduced phonological working memor..

16. Margot J,Taylor 加拿大 University of Toronto Functional connectivity changes during working memory in autism spectrum disorder: A two-year longit..

17. 董光恒 中国 杭州师范大学 Sex differences in neural substrates of risk taking: Implications for sex-specific vulnerabilities t..

18. Michael P,Milham 美国 Child Mind Institute A benchmark for prediction of psychiatric multimorbidity from resting EEG data in a large pediatric ..

19. Lai, Meng-Chuan 加拿大 University of Toronto Gray matter volume alteration is associated with insistence on sameness and cognitive flexibility in..

20. 高淑芬 中国 国立台湾大学 Gray matter volume alteration is associated with insistence on sameness and cognitive flexibility in..








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