

Chen, Chung-Yu 台北市立体育学院被知名学者引用:96人次(黄金会员以上可以申请导出本人论文被全部知名学者引用的数据)

1. 肖培根 中国 中国医学科学院 中国工程院院士 The effect of vine tea (Ampelopsis grossedentata) extract on fatigue alleviation via i..

2. 薛长湖 中国 中国海洋大学 2023中国工程院院士 Novel peptides from sea cucumber intestines hydrolyzed by neutral protease alleviate exercise-induce..

3. 曹福亮 中国 南京林业大学 中国工程院院士 Dietary Supplementation of Octacosanol Improves Exercise-Induced Fatigue and Its Molecular Mechanism

4. 卢秉恒 中国 西安交通大学 中国工程院院士 Precise control of variable-height laser metal deposition using a height memory strategy

5. Michael J,Joyner 美国 Mayo Clinic - Rochester The relationship between hemoglobin and (V)over dotO2max: A systematic review and meta-an..

6. Beat,Knechtle 瑞士 University of Zurich Sleep in marathon and ultramarathon runners: a brief narrative review

7. 罗永康 中国 中国农业大学 Milk Fat Globule Membrane Relieves Fatigue via Regulation of Oxidative Stress and Gut Microbiota in ..

8. 肖俊杰 中国 上海大学 Antioxidants Supplementation During Exercise: Friends or Enemies for Cardiovascular Homeostasis?

9. Urs,Granacher 德国 University of Potsdam Two days of simulated CrossFit competition affect autonomic nervous system but not anaerobic power o..

10. Tibor,Hortobágyi 荷兰 University of Groningen Two days of simulated CrossFit competition affect autonomic nervous system but not anaerobic power o..

11. Jens,Jordan 德国 German Aerospace Center (DLR) Influence of 24 h Simulated Altitude on Red Blood Cell Deformability and Hematological Parameters in..

12. Ariens, Robert A. S. 英国 University of Leeds Platelet-Neutrophil Interaction and Thromboinflammation in Diabetes: Considerations for Novel Therap..

13. Thomas,Efferth 德国 Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz Network Pharmacology of Adaptogens in the Assessment of Their Pleiotropic Therapeutic Activity

14. 黃志扬 中国 台湾中国医药大学 Vascular function in the aging human brain during muscle exertion

15. Nah, Seung-Yeol 韩国 Konkuk University Can Panax ginseng help control cytokine storm in COVID-19?

16. David G,Behm 加拿大 Memorial University of Newfoundland Reliability, criterion-concurrent validity, and construct-discriminant validity of a head-marking ve..

17. Sander,Kersten 荷兰 University of Wageningen Mild intermittent hypoxia exposure induces metabolic and molecular adaptations in men with obesity

18. Ellen E,Blaak 荷兰 Maastricht University Mild intermittent hypoxia exposure induces metabolic and molecular adaptations in men with obesity

19. Gijs H,Goossens 荷兰 Maastricht University Mild intermittent hypoxia exposure induces metabolic and molecular adaptations in men with obesity

20. 毕开顺 中国 沈阳药科大学 Application of UHPLC Fingerprints Combined with Chemical Pattern Recognition Analysis in the Differe..








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