

Zhu, Xiangyu 南京大学被知名学者引用:59人次(黄金会员以上可以申请导出本人论文被全部知名学者引用的数据)

1. Romero, Roberto 美国 National Institute of Child Health and Human Development 2007美国医学院院士 The immunobiology of preterm labor and birth: intra-amniotic inflammation or breakdown of maternal-f..

2. Nicolaides, Kypros H. 英国 King's College 2020美国医学院院士 Regulatory T Cells in Pregnancy Adverse Outcomes: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

3. 黄荷凤 中国 浙江大学 中国科学院院士 Expanding the Scope of Non-invasive Prenatal Testing to Detect Fetal Chromosomal Copy Number Variati..

4. Chung, Wendy K. 美国 Columbia University 2020美国医学院院士 Genetic Basis of Human Congenital Heart Disease

5. Romero, Roberto 美国 National Institute of Child Health and Human Development 2007美国医学院院士 Maternal and fetal T cells in term pregnancy and preterm labor

6. Chung, Wendy K. 美国 Columbia University 2020美国医学院院士 The genetics of isolated congenital heart disease

7. 张志珺 中国 东南大学 Roflumilast: Modulating neuroinflammation and improving motor function and depressive symptoms in mu..

8. 王海滨 中国 厦门大学 Basic Research Advances in China on Embryo Implantation, Placentation, and Parturition

9. 陈持平 中国 台湾马偕纪念医院 Prenatal diagnosis and perinatal findings of 17q12 microdeletion encompassing HNF1B in a fetu..

10. Daniel C,Koboldt 美国 Nationwide Childrens Hospital Clinically significant findings in a decade-long retrospective study of prenatal chromosomal microar..

11. Iijima, Kazumoto 日本 Kobe University Genetic autopsy and genetic counseling for a case of fatal oligohydramnios due to de novo 17q12 dele..

12. Michael J,Mitchell 美国 University of Pennsylvania Rational Design of Nanomedicine for Placental Disorders: Birthing a New Era in Women's Reproductive ..

13. Stefano,Romeo 瑞典 University of Gothenburg Circulating Interlukin-32 and Altered Blood Pressure Control in Individuals with Metabolic Dysfuncti..

14. Daniele,Prati 意大利 University of Milan Circulating Interlukin-32 and Altered Blood Pressure Control in Individuals with Metabolic Dysfuncti..

15. Luca,Valenti 意大利 University of Milan Circulating Interlukin-32 and Altered Blood Pressure Control in Individuals with Metabolic Dysfuncti..

16. 张学记 中国 深圳大学 教授 A dichromatic plasmonic ELISA CD81 protein sensor for ultrasensitive detection of preeclampsia

17. Carmen J,Marsit 美国 Emory University Select Early-Life Environmental Exposures and DNA Methylation in the Placenta

18. Ann,Tabor 丹麦 University of Copenhagen Prevalence of chromosomal disorders in cases with congenital heart defect: registry-based study from..

19. 侯亚义 中国 南京大学 Hydroxychloroquine induces apoptosis of myeloid-derived suppressor cells via up-regulation of CD81 c..

20. 宋采 中国 广东海洋大学 Low-Dose IL-2 Attenuated Depression-like Behaviors and Pathological Changes through Restoring the Ba..








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