

Wang, Zhang 陆军军医大学被知名学者引用:24人次(黄金会员以上可以申请导出本人论文被全部知名学者引用的数据)

1. 乔杰 中国 北京大学 中国工程院院士 Low KLOTHO level related to aging is associated with diminished ovarian reserve

2. 魏于全 中国 四川大学 中国科学院院士 G-395A polymorphism in the promoter region of the KLOTHO gene associates with frailty among the olde..

3. 郑振耀 中国 香港中文大学 A Functional SNP in the Promoter of LBX1 Is Associated With the Development of Adolescent Idiopathic..

4. 邱勇 中国 南京大学 主任医师 A Functional SNP in the Promoter of LBX1 Is Associated With the Development of Adolescent Idiopathic..

5. Vera,Gorbunova 美国 University of Rochester Extrarenal expression of alpha-klotho, the kidney related longevity gene, in Heterocephalus glaber, ..

6. Saffery, Richard 澳大利亚 University of Melbourne Advanced maternal age causes premature placental senescence and malformation via dysregulated alpha-..

7. Kilby, Mark D 英国 University of BIRMINGHAM Advanced maternal age causes premature placental senescence and malformation via dysregulated alpha-..

8. Mehmet,Kanbay 土耳其 Koc University Role of Klotho in the Development of Essential Hypertension

9. Adrian,Covic 罗马尼亚 Gr T Popa University Medicine & Pharmacy Role of Klotho in the Development of Essential Hypertension

10. Ortiz, Alberto 西班牙 Universidad Autónoma de Madrid Role of Klotho in the Development of Essential Hypertension

11. Juan F,Navarro-Gonzalez 西班牙 University of LA LAGUNA Association of the rs495392 Klotho polymorphism with atheromatosis progression in patients with chro..

12. 孙英贤 中国 中国医科大学 Klotho Inhibits Proliferation and Migration of Angiotensin II-Induced Vascular Smooth Muscle Cells (..

13. 董碧蓉 中国 四川大学 G-395A polymorphism in the promoter region of the KLOTHO gene associates with frailty among the olde..

14. Kuro-o, Makoto 日本 Jichi Medical University FGF23-alpha Klotho as a paradigm for a kidney-bone network

15. Orson W,Moe 美国 University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center FGF23-alpha Klotho as a paradigm for a kidney-bone network

16. Zhongjie,Sun 美国 University of Tennessee Antiaging Gene Klotho Regulates Adrenal CYP11B2 Expression and Aldosterone Synthesis

17. 董碧蓉 中国 四川大学 The Klotho gene G-395A polymorphism and metabolic syndrome in very elderly people

18. 董碧蓉 中国 四川大学 G-395A polymorphism in the promoter region of the KLOTHO gene associates with reduced cognitive impa..

19. Zhongjie,Sun 美国 University of Tennessee Molecular Basis of Klotho: From Gene to Function in Aging

20. Juei-Tang,Cheng 中国 奇美医学中心 Cerebral Klotho Protein as a Humoral Factor for Maintenance of Baroreflex








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