

Cheng, Xi 南京大学被知名学者引用:27人次(黄金会员以上可以申请导出本人论文被全部知名学者引用的数据)

1. 陈子江 中国 山东大学 中国科学院院士 Transcriptomic analysis supports collective endometrial cell migration in the pathogenesis of adenom..

2. Giudice, Linda C. 美国 University of California, San Francisco 2002美国医学院院士 Transcriptomic analysis supports collective endometrial cell migration in the pathogenesis of adenom..

3. 黄荷凤 中国 浙江大学 中国科学院院士 Intrauterine hyperglycemia impairs endometrial receptivity via up-regulating SGK1 in diabetes

4. Lewis L,Lanier 美国 University of California-San Francisco 2010美国科学院院士 KLF12 Regulates Mouse NK Cell Proliferation

5. Van Soom, Ann 比利时 University of Ghent tRNAGlu-derived fragments from embryonic extracellular vesicles modulate bovine embryo ha..

6. Antonio,Pellicer 西班牙 University of VALENCIA Transcriptome analysis of adenomyosis eutopic endometrium reveals molecular mechanisms involved in a..

7. Antonio,Pellicer 西班牙 University of VALENCIA Extracellular vesicles secreted by adenomyosis endometrial organoids contain miRNAs involved in embr..

8. 王海滨 中国 厦门大学 Mst1-mediated phosphorylation of Nur77 improves the endometrial in human and mice

9. Antonio,Pellicer 西班牙 University of VALENCIA Adjustment of progesterone administration after endometrial transcriptomic analysis does not improve..

10. 黄克和 中国 南京农业大学 Nontoxic Concentration of Ochratoxin A Aggravates Renal Fibrosis Induced by Adriamycin/Cyclosporine ..

11. Antonio,Pellicer 西班牙 University of VALENCIA Establishment of Adenomyosis Organoids as a Preclinical Model to Study Infertility

12. Jacques,Donnez 比利时 Universite Catholique de Louvain Uterine Adenomyosis: From Disease Pathogenesis to a New Medical Approach Using GnRH Antagonists

13. Marie-Madeleine,Dolmans 比利时 Universite Catholique de Louvain Uterine Adenomyosis: From Disease Pathogenesis to a New Medical Approach Using GnRH Antagonists

14. Feng, Zhao hui 美国 Rutgers University The emerging role of leukemia inhibitory factor in cancer and therapy

15. Ettore,Cicinelli 意大利 University of Bari Endometrial causes of recurrent pregnancy losses: endometriosis, adenomyosis, and chronic endometrit..

16. Dominique,de Ziegler 法国 University of PARIS 05 Endometrial causes of recurrent pregnancy losses: endometriosis, adenomyosis, and chronic endometrit..

17. Mauro,Perretti 英国 Queen Mary University of London Annexin A1/Formyl Peptide Receptor Pathway Controls Uterine Receptivity to the Blastocyst

18. 肖俊杰 中国 上海大学 Non-coding RNAs in Physiological Cardiac Hypertrophy

19. Bahman,Yousefi 伊朗 Tabriz University of Medical Science The role of IL-10-producing B cells in repeated implantation failure patients with cellular immune a..

20. Mehdi,Yousefi 伊朗 Tabriz University of Medical Science The role of IL-10-producing B cells in repeated implantation failure patients with cellular immune a..








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