

蒋松鹤 温州医科大学被知名学者引用:121人次(黄金会员以上可以申请导出本人论文被全部知名学者引用的数据)

1. 吉训明 中国 首都医科大学 2023中国工程院院士 Combination of Atractylenolide I, Atractylenolide III, and Paeoniflorin promotes angiogenesis and im..

2. 顾晓松 中国 南通大学 中国工程院院士 Case report: Ultrasound-guided multi-site electroacupuncture stimulation for a patient with spinal c..

3. 陈学思 中国 中国科学院 中国科学院院士 A Minimalist Binary Vaccine Carrier for Personalized Postoperative Cancer Vaccine Therapy

4. 王建 中国 郑州大学 Role of dendritic cells in spinal cord injury

5. Alessandro,Sartorio 意大利 Experiment Laboratory Auxoendocrinol Research Complete Blood Count (CBC)-Derived Inflammation Indexes Are Useful in Predicting Metabolic Syndrome ..

6. Yong Sang,Song 韩国 Seoul National University Mitochondrial fission enhances IL-6-induced metastatic potential in ovarian cancer via ERK1/2 activa..

7. John H,Zhang 美国 Loma Linda University Mitochondrial stress: a key role of neuroinflammation in stroke

8. 戴建武 中国 中国科学院 Bisphosphonate-Based Hydrogel with pH-Responsive Minocycline Release Inhibits Microglia/Macrophages ..

9. Jin, Kunlin 美国 University of North Texas Health Science Center at Fort Worth Combination of Atractylenolide I, Atractylenolide III, and Paeoniflorin promotes angiogenesis and im..

10. Jo,Nijs 比利时 Vrije University Brussel The Role of the Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor in Chronic Pain: Links to Central Sensitization an..

11. Kouji,Matsushima 日本 Tokyo University of Science Transcriptome analysis of the cerebral cortex of acrylamide-exposed wild-type and IL-1β-knoc..

12. Yoichiro,Iwakura 日本 Tokyo University of Science Transcriptome analysis of the cerebral cortex of acrylamide-exposed wild-type and IL-1β-knoc..

13. 蔡輔仁 中国 台湾中国医药大学 Acupuncture's long-term impact on depression prevention in primary dysmenorrhea: A 19-year follow-up..

14. Saeed,Samarghandian 伊朗 Neyshabur University Medicine Science miRNA contributes to neuropathic pains

15. Amirhossein,Sahebkar 伊朗 Mashhad University of Medical Sciences The effects of curcumin-piperine supplementation on inflammatory, oxidative stress and metabolic ind..

16. 陈乃宏 中国 中国医学科学院 Time-dependent dual effect of microglia in ischemic stroke

17. Bussmann, Rainer W. 格鲁吉亚 The Botanical Institute, Ilia State University Chemical composition and antioxidant capacity of purified extracts of Prosopis pallida..

18. 肖俊杰 中国 上海大学 Exercise Training-Induced MicroRNA Alterations with Protective Effects in Cardiovascular Diseases

19. 陈立典 中国 福建中医药大学 Electroacupuncture protective effects after cerebral ischemia are mediated through miR-219a inhibiti..

20. PHILIPP KAPRANOV 中国 华侨大学 Traditional Chinese Medicine Treatment, Gua Sha, can Induce Subtle Molecular Changes in Gene Express..








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