

叶志弘 浙江大学被知名学者引用:59人次(黄金会员以上可以申请导出本人论文被全部知名学者引用的数据)

1. Vermund, Sten H. 美国 Yale School of Public Health 2012美国医学院院士 Validation of "Life's Essential 8" Metrics With Cardiovascular Structural Status in Children: The PR..

2. 陈君石 中国 中国疾病预防控制中心 中国工程院院士 Modeling biological age using blood biomarkers and physical measurements in Chinese adults

3. Anne E,Holland 澳大利亚 La Trobe University Navigating the COVID-19 pandemic: Experiences and self-management approaches adopted by people with ..

4. Isao,Saito 日本 Oita University Prospective association of daily ambulatory activity with metabolic syndrome in middle-aged and olde..

5. Luigi,Ferrucci 美国 NIH National Institute on Aging (NIA) Physiological Dysregulation Proceeds and Predicts Health Outcomes Similarly in Chinese and Western P..

6. Molassiotis,Alex 中国 香港理工大学 Patients', families' and healthcare providers' perspectives on end-of-life communication in Chinese ..

7. Nitin,Shivappa 美国 University of South Carolina Interaction Between Meal-timing and Dietary Inflammatory Potential: Association with Cardiometabolic..

8. James R,Hébert 美国 University of South Carolina Interaction Between Meal-timing and Dietary Inflammatory Potential: Association with Cardiometabolic..

9. Claudio,Borghi 意大利 University of Bologna Psychosocial and environmental risk factors of obesity and hypertension in children and adolescents-..

10. Empar,Lurbe 西班牙 University of VALENCIA Psychosocial and environmental risk factors of obesity and hypertension in children and adolescents-..

11. Fernando,Fernandez-Aranda 西班牙 Institute Salud Carlos III Psychosocial and environmental risk factors of obesity and hypertension in children and adolescents-..

12. 祁兴顺 中国 北部战区总医院 Metabolic dysfunction: The silenced connection with fatty liver disease

13. Manuel,Romero-Gómez 西班牙 University of SEVILLE Metabolic dysfunction: The silenced connection with fatty liver disease

14. Mohammed,Eslam 澳大利亚 University of Sydney Metabolic dysfunction: The silenced connection with fatty liver disease

15. Nahum,Mendez-Sanchez 墨西哥 Universidad Autónoma Del Estado De México, Uaemex Metabolic dysfunction: The silenced connection with fatty liver disease

16. Maria Ines,Schmidt 巴西 University of Federal Rio Grande do Sul The high salt intake in adults with metabolic syndrome is related to increased waist circumference a..

17. Bruce B,Duncan 巴西 University of Federal Rio Grande do Sul The high salt intake in adults with metabolic syndrome is related to increased waist circumference a..

18. Saverio,Stranges 加拿大 University of Western Ontario The relationship between sleep health and multimorbidity in community dwelling populations: Systemat..

19. 王继光 中国 上海交通大学医学院 研究员 Hypertension in China: epidemiology and treatment initiatives

20. 张东峰 中国 青岛大学 Children who appeared or remained overweight or obese predict a higher follow-up blood pressure and ..








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