

He, Xin 中国科学院被知名学者引用:212人次(黄金会员以上可以申请导出本人论文被全部知名学者引用的数据)

1. Nathaniel Heintz 美国 The Rockefeller University 2016美国科学院院士 Modified climbing fiber/Purkinje cell synaptic connectivity in the cerebellum of the neonatal phency..

2. Francine M,Benes 美国 Harvard University 2004美国医学院院士 Dysbindin-1 contributes to prefrontal cortical dendritic arbor pathology in schizophrenia

3. Coyle, Joseph T. 美国 Harvard Medical School 1990美国医学院院士 Dysbindin-1 contributes to prefrontal cortical dendritic arbor pathology in schizophrenia

4. Weinberger, Daniel R. 美国 Lieber Institute for Brain Development 1999美国医学院院士 Regulation of Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor Exocytosis and Gamma-Aminobutyric Acidergic Interneu..

5. Gordon, Joshua A. 美国 National Institute of Mental Health 2018美国医学院院士 Electrophysiological Endophenotypes in Rodent Models of Schizophrenia and Psychosis

6. 沈岩 中国 中国医学科学院 中国科学院院士 Increased dysbindin-1B isoform expression in schizophrenia and its propensity in aggresome formation

7. Weinberger, Daniel R. 美国 Lieber Institute for Brain Development 1999美国医学院院士 Loss of dysbindin-1 in mice impairs reward-based operant learning by increasing impulsive and compul..

8. Tsuang, Ming T. 美国 University of California, San Diego 1994美国医学院院士 Convergent functional genomics of schizophrenia: from comprehensive understanding to genetic risk pr..

9. Gahl, William A. 美国 National Human Genome Research Institute 2018美国医学院院士 The BLOS1-Interacting Protein KXD1 is Involved in the Biogenesis of Lysosome-Related Organelles

10. 段树民 中国 浙江大学 中国科学院院士 Impaired long-term potentiation and long-term memory deficits in xCT-deficient sut mice

11. Weinberger, Daniel R. 美国 Lieber Institute for Brain Development 1999美国医学院院士 Mouse models of genetic effects on cognition: Relevance to schizophrenia

12. Weinberger, Daniel R. 美国 Lieber Institute for Brain Development 1999美国医学院院士 Dysbindin-1 modulates prefrontal cortical activity and schizophrenia-like behaviors via dopamine/D2 ..

13. Gur, Raquel E. 美国 University of Pennsylvania Medical Center 2001美国医学院院士 Dysbindin-1 mutant mice implicate reduced fast-phasic inhibition as a final common disease mechanism..

14. 陈国强 中国 上海交通大学医学院 中国科学院院士 MicroRNA-26b is underexpressed in human breast cancer and induces cell apoptosis by targeting SLC7A1..

15. Celso,Arango 西班牙 University of COMPLUTENSE 2023美国医学院院士 Dysbindin-1 Gene Contributes Differentially to Early- and Adult-Onset Forms of Functional Psychosis

16. Coyle, Joseph T. 美国 Harvard Medical School 1990美国医学院院士 Neuroplasticity signaling pathways linked to the pathophysiology of schizophrenia

17. 詹启敏 中国 北京大学 中国工程院院士 Disruption of xCT inhibits cancer cell metastasis via the caveolin-1/beta-catenin pathway

18. Soo Wan,Kim 韩国 Chonnam National University 3-Carboxy-4-methyl-5-propyl-2-furanpropanoic acid (CMPF) induces cell death through ferroptosis and ..

19. Nicolas,Cermakian 加拿大 McGill University Exposure to Circadian Disruption During Adolescence Interacts With a Genetic Risk Factor to Modify S..

20. John L,Waddington 中国 苏州大学 Dysbindin-1A modulation of astrocytic dopamine and basal ganglia dependent behaviors relevant to sch..








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