

Zhou, Han-yu 中国科学院大学被知名学者引用:163人次(黄金会员以上可以申请导出本人论文被全部知名学者引用的数据)

1. Anne,Cutler 荷兰 Max Planck Institute Psycholinguist 2008美国科学院院士 Auditory perceptual learning in autistic adults

2. Daniel L,Schacter 美国 Harvard University 2013美国科学院院士 Cognitive mechanisms of episodic simulation in psychiatric populations

3. Tsuang, Ming T. 美国 University of California, San Diego 1994美国医学院院士 Olfactory and cognitive functions in Chinese individuals at clinical high risk for psychosis

4. Barch, Deanna M. 美国 Washington University 2020美国医学院院士 Pathways to Motivational Impairments in Psychopathology: Common Versus Unique Elements Across Domain..

5. 陈楚侨 中国 中国科学院 Could Cognitive Inflexibility Serve as a Potential Biomarker for Schizophrenia-ObsessiveCompulsive D..

6. 史春梦 中国 陆军军医大学 Altered EEG Microstates Dynamics in Individuals with Subthreshold Depression When Generating Negativ..

7. Paolo,Fusar-Poli 英国 Kings College London Self-reported interoception and exteroception are atypical and excessively coupled in psychosis comp..

8. 邱江 中国 西南大学 Functional Connectome Hierarchy in Schizotypy and Its Associations With Expression of Schizophrenia-..

9. Olga,Pollatos 德国 University of MUNICH Elevated EEG heartbeat-evoked potentials in adolescents with more ADHD symptoms

10. Mark T,Wallace 美国 VANDERBILT University A Randomized Controlled Trial for Audiovisual Multisensory Perception in Autistic Youth

11. Gianluca,Serafini 意大利 University of Genoa Sensation seeking correlates with increased white matter integrity of structures associated with vis..

12. Sebastian,Walther 瑞士 University of Bern Modelling the overlap and divergence of autistic and schizotypal traits on hippocampal subfield volu..

13. John A,Sweeney 美国 University of Cincinnati Shared and Disorder-Specific Alterations of Brain Temporal Dynamics in Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder..

14. 龚启勇 中国 四川大学 Shared and Disorder-Specific Alterations of Brain Temporal Dynamics in Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder..

15. 王玉凤 中国 北京大学 Ocular and neural genes jointly regulate the visuospatial working memory in ADHD children

16. 陈楚侨 中国 中国科学院 Neural correlates of audiovisual speech synchrony perception and its relationship with autistic trai..

17. 陈楚侨 中国 中国科学院 Mental time travel in psychiatric disorders

18. 陈楚侨 中国 中国科学院 Mental time travel for self and others in individuals with a high level of schizotypy

19. 陈楚侨 中国 中国科学院 Anterior cingulate glutamate levels associate with functional activation and connectivity during sen..

20. 陈楚侨 中国 中国科学院 Reward motivation adaptation in people with negative schizotypal features: development of a novel be..








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