

Xiong, Yan 华中科技大学被知名学者引用:45人次(黄金会员以上可以申请导出本人论文被全部知名学者引用的数据)

1. 陈肇隆 中国 长庚大学 中国工程院院士 Risk factors for pre-transplantation bacteremia in adults with end-stage liver disease: Effects on o..

2. 樊代明 中国 空军军医大学 中国工程院院士;2013美国医学院院士 Association of nonmalignant portal vein thrombosis and clinical outcomes in patients with cirrhosis ..

3. 祁兴顺 中国 北部战区总医院 Development and validation of modified Liaoning score for predicting the prognosis of liver cirrhosi..

4. 曹务春 中国 军事科学院 Changes in Cytokine Levels in Patients with Severe Fever with Thrombocytopenia Syndrome Virus

5. Sung-Han,Kim 韩国 University of Ulsan Cytokine and Chemokine Profiles in Acute Severe Fever with Thrombocytopenia Syndrome and Scrub Typhu..

6. Anna Linda,Zignego 意大利 University of Florence Predicting de-novo portal vein thrombosis after HCV eradication: A long-term competing risk a..

7. Maurizia Rossana,Brunetto 意大利 University of Pisa Predicting de-novo portal vein thrombosis after HCV eradication: A long-term competing risk a..

8. Giovanni,Raimondo 意大利 University of Messina Predicting de-novo portal vein thrombosis after HCV eradication: A long-term competing risk a..

9. Fabio,Piscaglia 意大利 University of Bologna Predicting de-novo portal vein thrombosis after HCV eradication: A long-term competing risk a..

10. Giacometti, Andrea 意大利 Marche Polytechnic University Predicting de-novo portal vein thrombosis after HCV eradication: A long-term competing risk a..

11. Pietro,Invernizzi 意大利 University of Milano Bicocca Predicting de-novo portal vein thrombosis after HCV eradication: A long-term competing risk a..

12. Coppola, Nicola 意大利 University of Naples 2 Predicting de-novo portal vein thrombosis after HCV eradication: A long-term competing risk a..

13. Gerardo,Nardone 意大利 University of Naples Federico II Predicting de-novo portal vein thrombosis after HCV eradication: A long-term competing risk a..

14. Antonio,Craxi 意大利 University of PALERMO Predicting de-novo portal vein thrombosis after HCV eradication: A long-term competing risk a..

15. 韩国宏 中国 空军军医大学 Association of nonmalignant portal vein thrombosis and clinical outcomes in patients with cirrhosis ..

16. Antonio,Gasbarrini 意大利 University of Cattolica Sacro Cuore Molecular Mechanisms Underlying Vascular Liver Diseases: Focus on Thrombosis

17. Michael,Trauner 奥地利 Medical University of Vienna Von Willebrand factor processing in patients with advanced chronic liver disease and its relation to..

18. Karsdal, Morten Asser 丹麦 Nord Biosci Von Willebrand factor processing in patients with advanced chronic liver disease and its relation to..

19. Ton,Lisman 荷兰 University of Groningen Von Willebrand factor processing in patients with advanced chronic liver disease and its relation to..

20. Thomas,Reiberger 奥地利 Medical University of Vienna Von Willebrand factor processing in patients with advanced chronic liver disease and its relation to..








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