

Zhang, Tiehong 山东大学被知名学者引用:274人次(黄金会员以上可以申请导出本人论文被全部知名学者引用的数据)

1. Kahn, C. Ronald 美国 Harvard University 1999美国医学院院士;1999美国科学院院士;2016沃尔夫医学奖 Interaction of a viral insulin-like peptide with the IGF-1 receptor produces a natural antagonist

2. Richard D,DiMarchi 美国 Indiana University 2015美国医学院院士 Interaction of a viral insulin-like peptide with the IGF-1 receptor produces a natural antagonist

3. Kataoka ,Kazunori 日本 University of Tokyo 2017美国工程院院士 Treatment of primary and metastatic breast and pancreatic tumors upon intravenous delivery of a PRDM..

4. 黄路生 中国 江西农业大学 中国科学院院士 Impacts of Mycoplasma loads and lung lesions on immune and hematological statuses of pigs in an eigh..

5. 于金明 中国 山东第一医科大学 中国工程院院士 A nomogram to predict outcomes of lung cancer patients after pneumonectomy based on 47 indicators

6. 王俊 中国 北京大学 中国工程院院士 Erlotinib Versus Gemcitabine Plus Cisplatin as Neoadjuvant Treatment of Stage IIIA-N2 EGFR-Mutant No..

7. 于金明 中国 山东第一医科大学 中国工程院院士 Male patients with resected IIIA-N2 non-small-cell lung cancer may benefit from postoperative radiot..

8. Allison, David B. 美国 Indiana University 2012美国医学院院士 Late-life targeting of the IGF-1 receptor improves healthspan and lifespan in female mice

9. Kataoka ,Kazunori 日本 University of Tokyo 2017美国工程院院士 Silencing PRDM14 expression by an innovative RNAi therapy inhibits stemness, tumorigenicity, and met..

10. Kataoka ,Kazunori 日本 University of Tokyo 2017美国工程院院士 Inhibition of PRDM14 expression in pancreatic cancer suppresses cancer stem-like properties and live..

11. 于金明 中国 山东第一医科大学 中国工程院院士 The postoperative neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio and changes in this ratio predict survival after th..

12. 刘允怡 中国 香港中文大学 中国科学院院士 CXCR2-CXCL1 axis is correlated with neutrophil infiltration and predicts a poor prognosis in hepatoc..

13. 卞修武 中国 陆军军医大学 中国科学院院士 The Role of Chemoattractant Receptors in Shaping the Tumor Microenvironment

14. Tuula,Salo 芬兰 University of Helsinki The prognostic role of single cell invasion and nuclear diameter in early oral tongue squamous cell ..

15. Kowalski, Luiz Paulo 巴西 University of SAO PAULO The prognostic role of single cell invasion and nuclear diameter in early oral tongue squamous cell ..

16. Caj,Haglund 芬兰 University of Helsinki The prognostic role of single cell invasion and nuclear diameter in early oral tongue squamous cell ..

17. Jae Il,Shin 韩国 Yonsei University Prognostic significance of tumour budding in noncolorectal gastrointestinal tract and pancreatobilia..

18. Herth, Felix J. F. 德国 University of Heidelberg Advances in the Treatment of Pulmonary Nodules

19. Sebastiano,Ando 意大利 University of Calabria Editorial: Adipokines and hormone-dependent cancers

20. 郑志杰 中国 北京大学 讲席教授 博士生导师 Global, regional, and national burden of tracheal, bronchus, and lung cancers attributable to high f..








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