

Wai-Ling,Bickerton University of BIRMINGHAM被知名学者引用:376人次(黄金会员以上可以申请导出本人论文被全部知名学者引用的数据)

1. Berkman, Lisa F. 美国 Harvard School of Public Health 2000美国医学院院士 Cognitive Function in Low-Income and Low-Literacy Settings: Validation of the Tablet-Based Oxford Co..

2. Hans-Otto,Karnath 德国 University of Tubingen The neuroanatomy of visual extinction following right hemisphere brain damage: Insights from multiva..

3. Sarah T,Pendlebury 英国 University of Oxford Domain-specific cognitive impairment 6 months after stroke: The value of early cognitive screening

4. Andreas R,Luft 瑞士 University of Zurich The feasibility of the adapted H-GRASP program for perceived and actual daily-life upper limb activi..

5. Patrik,Vuilleumier 瑞士 University of Geneva Neglecting the bottom space: an object-based disorder? A two-case observational study

6. Sarah T,Pendlebury 英国 University of Oxford Infection, Inflammation, and Poststroke Cognitive Impairment

7. Marlies,Knipper 德国 University of Tubingen Differential cortical activation patterns: pioneering sub-classification of tinnitus with and withou..

8. Serino, Andrea 瑞士 Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois An immersive virtual reality tool for assessing left and right unilateral spatial neglect

9. Blanke, Olaf 瑞士 ETH Zurich An immersive virtual reality tool for assessing left and right unilateral spatial neglect

10. Mattingley, Jason B. 澳大利亚 The University of Queensland Lesion mapping in neuropsychological research: A practical and conceptual guide

11. Mattingley, Jason B. 澳大利亚 The University of Queensland Comprehensive voxel-wise, tract-based, and network lesion mapping reveals unique architectures of ri..

12. Iannetti, Gian Domenico 英国 University College London Cortico-spinal modularity in the parieto-frontal system: A new perspective on action control

13. Sarah T,Pendlebury 英国 University of Oxford Long-term psychological outcomes following stroke: the OX-CHRONIC study

14. Terence J,Quinn 英国 University of Glasgow Long-term psychological outcomes following stroke: the OX-CHRONIC study

15. Sarah T,Pendlebury 英国 University of Oxford Reliability of the global cortical atrophy visual rating scale applied to computed tomography versus..

16. Sarah T,Pendlebury 英国 University of Oxford Association of Neuroimaging Markers on Clinical CT Scans With Domain-Specific Cognitive Impairment i..

17. Ferrarese, Carlo 意大利 University of Milano Bicocca Left and right corticobasal syndrome: comparison of cognitive profiles between metabolic imaging - m..

18. Maurizio,Corbetta 意大利 University of Padua The Oxford cognitive screen (OCS) as an acute predictor of long-term functional outcome in a prospec..

19. Meike W,Vernooij 荷兰 Erasmus University New horizons in cognitive and functional impairment as a consequence of cerebral small vessel diseas..

20. Jirsa, Viktor K. 法国 Aix Marseille University Virtual brain simulations reveal network-specific parameters in neurodegenerative dementias








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