

Yang, Lu-Xi 兰州大学被知名学者引用:93人次(黄金会员以上可以申请导出本人论文被全部知名学者引用的数据)

1. 于金明 中国 山东第一医科大学 中国工程院院士 Single-cell RNA-sequencing reveals radiochemotherapy-induced innate immune activation and MHC-II upr..

2. Peter V,Kharchenko 美国 Harvard University Single-cell analyses of metastatic bone marrow in human neuroblastoma reveals microenvironmental rem..

3. Philip J,Saylor 美国 Harvard University Single-cell analyses of metastatic bone marrow in human neuroblastoma reveals microenvironmental rem..

4. Eigo,Otsuji 日本 Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine Low blood level of tumour suppressor miR-5193 as a target of immunotherapy to PD-L1 in gastric cance..

5. Taeg Kyu,Kwon 韩国 KEIMYUNG University Early life exposure to perfluorooctanesulfonate (PFOS) impacts vital biological processes in Xenopus..

6. Piotr,Rutkowski 波兰 Maria Sklodowska Curie Memorial Cancer Center Hedgehog pathway in sarcoma: from preclinical mechanism to clinical application

7. 蔡开勇 中国 重庆大学 教授 博导 Advances in anti-tumor research based on bionic micro-nano technology

8. Eric,Raymond 法国 Hopital Saint Joseph Update on Autophagy Inhibitors in Cancer: Opening up to a Therapeutic Combination with Immune Checkp..

9. John V,Reynolds 爱尔兰 Trinity College Dublin Nutrient deprivation and hypoxia alter T cell immune checkpoint expression: potential impact for imm..

10. 束永前 中国 南京医科大学 主任医师 JP1 normalizes tumor vasculature to suppress metastasis and facilitate drug delivery by inhibiting I..

11. Steven W,Dow 美国 Colorado State University Strategies to overcome myeloid cell induced immune suppression in the tumor microenvironment

12. 巴一 中国 中国医学科学院 教授、主任医师 First-line nivolumab plus chemotherapy vs chemotherapy in patients with advanced gastric, gastroesop..

13. 徐瑞华 中国 中山大学 First-line nivolumab plus chemotherapy vs chemotherapy in patients with advanced gastric, gastroesop..

14. 秦叔逵 中国 中国人民解放军第八一医院 First-line nivolumab plus chemotherapy vs chemotherapy in patients with advanced gastric, gastroesop..

15. Kohei,Shitara 日本 National Cancer Center Hospital East First-line nivolumab plus chemotherapy vs chemotherapy in patients with advanced gastric, gastroesop..

16. 沈琳 中国 北京大学 First-line nivolumab plus chemotherapy vs chemotherapy in patients with advanced gastric, gastroesop..

17. 颜婉嫦 中国 香港大学 Tumor-secreted exosomal miR-141 activates tumor-stroma interactions and controls premetastatic niche..

18. Nima,Rezaei 伊朗 University of Tehran Immune checkpoint inhibitors plus chemotherapy versus chemotherapy alone as first-line therapy for a..

19. 段震峰 美国 University of California Los Angeles Exosomes in the tumor microenvironment of sarcoma: from biological functions to clinical application..

20. John V,Reynolds 爱尔兰 Trinity College Dublin The immune response to major gastrointestinal cancer surgery and potential implications for adjuvant..








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