

Gao, Wenlong 兰州大学被知名学者引用:156人次(黄金会员以上可以申请导出本人论文被全部知名学者引用的数据)

1. Bhutta, Zulfiqar A. 加拿大 Hospital for Sick Children, University of Toronto 2018美国医学院院士 Effects of vitamin and mineral supplementation during pregnancy on maternal, birth, child health and..

2. Knight, Rob 美国 University of California, San Diego 2024美国工程院院士 Early life gut microbiota is associated with rapid infant growth in Hispanics from Southern Californ..

3. Adolfo Garcia-Sastre 美国 Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai 2019美国科学院院士 The Global Phosphorylation Landscape of SARS-CoV-2 Infection

4. Kevan M,Shokat 美国 University of California-San Francisco 2010美国医学院院士;2009美国科学院院士 The Global Phosphorylation Landscape of SARS-CoV-2 Infection

5. 卞修武 中国 陆军军医大学 中国科学院院士 Zyxin (ZYX) promotes invasion and acts as a biomarker for aggressive phenotypes of human glioblastom..

6. 张志愿 中国 上海交通大学医学院 中国工程院院士 Stathmin guides personalized therapy in oral squamous cell carcinoma

7. 邱贵兴 中国 中国医学科学院 中国工程院院士 Genetic polymorphisms of PAX1 are functionally associated with different PUMC types of adolescent id..

8. Bhutta, Zulfiqar A. 加拿大 Hospital for Sick Children, University of Toronto 2018美国医学院院士 Multiple-micronutrient supplementation for women during pregnancy

9. Rader, Daniel J. 美国 University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine 2011美国医学院院士 High density lipoprotein cholesterol and cancer: Marker or causative?

10. 邱贵兴 中国 中国医学科学院 中国工程院院士 Genetic Polymorphism of LBX1 Is Associated With Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis in Northern Chinese ..

11. Black, Robert E. 美国 Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health 2002美国医学院院士 Cost-effectiveness analysis of the diarrhea alleviation through zinc and oral rehydration therapy (D..

12. Stefano,Guerra 美国 University of Arizona CC16 drives VLA-2-dependent SPLUNC1 expression

13. 冯继锋 中国 南京医科大学 SAA suppresses α-PD-1 induced anti-tumor immunity by driving TH2 polarization in lung ad..

14. Uversky, Vladimir N. 美国 University of South Florida Interaction of S100A6 Protein with the Four-Helical Cytokines

15. Ildiko,Horvath 匈牙利 Semmelweis University The Role of Oxidative Stress and Antioxidants in Cardiovascular Comorbidities in COPD

16. Jhaveri, Kenar D. 美国 Donald & Barbara Zucker School Medicine Hofstra Northwell AA amyloidosis associated with cancers

17. Izzedine, Hassane 法国 Group Hospital PITIE SALPETRIERE AA amyloidosis associated with cancers

18. Nancy F,Krebs 美国 University of Colorado Association of Maternal BMI and Rapid Infant Weight Gain With Childhood Body Size and Composition

19. Dana,Dabelea 美国 University of Colorado Association of Maternal BMI and Rapid Infant Weight Gain With Childhood Body Size and Composition

20. Evans, Roger G. 澳大利亚 MONASH University Combining general and central measures of adiposity to identify risk of hypertension: a cross-sectio..








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