

Fu, Xingli 江苏大学被知名学者引用:89人次(黄金会员以上可以申请导出本人论文被全部知名学者引用的数据)

1. Parrish, Colin R. 美国 Cornell University 2023美国科学院院士 Small but mighty: old and new parvoviruses of veterinary significance

2. 徐建国 中国 中国疾病预防控制中心 中国工程院院士 Characterization and Identification of a Novel Torovirus Associated With Recombinant Bovine Toroviru..

3. 袁国勇 中国 香港大学 中国工程院院士 Identification of a Novel Ichthyic Parvovirus in Marine Species in Hainan Island, China

4. Jitender P. Dubey 美国 U.S. Department of Agriculture 2010美国科学院院士 On the determination of Toxoplasma gondii virulence in mice

5. 袁国勇 中国 香港大学 中国工程院院士 Identification and genomic characterization of a novel rat bocavirus from brown rats in China

6. 袁国勇 中国 香港大学 中国工程院院士 Surveillance and Genome Analysis of Human Bocavirus in Patients with Respiratory Infection in Guangz..

7. Martella, Vito 意大利 University of Bari Molecular Surveillance for Bocaparvoviruses and Bufaviruses in the European Hedgehog[Erinaceus eu..

8. Larry,Fliegel 加拿大 University of Alberta The Relationship between Trop-2, Chemotherapeutic Drugs, and Chemoresistance

9. Michael J,Overman 美国 University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center Prognostic significance of trophoblastic cell surface antigen 2 expression and pathologic parameters..

10. Matthew H. G,Katz 美国 University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center Prognostic significance of trophoblastic cell surface antigen 2 expression and pathologic parameters..

11. Mohammad Sultan,Khuroo 沙特阿拉伯 King Faisal Specialist Hospital & Research Center Discovery of Hepatitis E and Its Impact on Global Health: A Journey of 44 Years about an Incredible ..

12. Martella, Vito 意大利 University of Bari Old and Novel Enteric Parvoviruses of Dogs

13. Decaro, Nicola 意大利 University of Bari Old and Novel Enteric Parvoviruses of Dogs

14. Eric,Delwart 美国 University of California-San Francisco Novel Chaphamaparvovirus in Insectivorous Molossus molossus Bats, from the Brazilian A..

15. Makino, Shinji 美国 University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston Novel recombinant porcine enterovirus G viruses lacking structural proteins are maintained in pig fa..

16. Edward C,Holmes 澳大利亚 University of Sydney The enteric virome of cats with feline panleukopenia differs in abundance and diversity from healthy..

17. 曹务春 中国 军事科学院 Trafficked Malayan pangolins contain viral pathogens of humans

18. 王升启 中国 军事医学科学院 Recent Advances in Molecular Biology of Human Bocavirus 1 and Its Applications

19. Martella, Vito 意大利 University of Bari Emerging Parvoviruses in Domestic Cats

20. Decaro, Nicola 意大利 University of Bari Emerging Parvoviruses in Domestic Cats








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