

Zhang, Yaling 哈尔滨大学被知名学者引用:26人次(黄金会员以上可以申请导出本人论文被全部知名学者引用的数据)

1. Michael Karin 美国 University of California, San Diego 2011美国医学院院士;2005美国科学院院士 IL-6 and related cytokines as the critical lynchpins between inflammation and cancer

2. 唐其柱 中国 武汉大学 The effect of HMGA1 in LPS-induced Myocardial Inflammation

3. Karl,Riabowol 加拿大 University of Calgary Biological Functions of the ING Proteins

4. 束永前 中国 南京医科大学 主任医师 IL-17 induces NSCLC A549 cell proliferation via the upregulation of HMGA1, resulting in an increased..

5. 德伟 中国 南京医科大学 Overexpression of Inhibitor of Growth 4 Enhances Radiosensitivity in Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Cell..

6. 王朝霞 中国 南京医科大学 Overexpression of Inhibitor of Growth 4 Enhances Radiosensitivity in Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Cell..

7. Peter B,Vermeulen 比利时 GZA Hospital Sint Augustinus Development and Validation of a Histological Method to Measure Microvessel Density in Whole-Slide Im..

8. Mark M,Kockx 比利时 Middelheim Hospital, Antwerp, Belgium Development and Validation of a Histological Method to Measure Microvessel Density in Whole-Slide Im..

9. De Meyer, Guido R. Y. 比利时 University of Antwerp Development and Validation of a Histological Method to Measure Microvessel Density in Whole-Slide Im..

10. Jae Ho,Kim 韩国 Pusan National University Crucial role of HMGA1 in the self-renewal and drug resistance of ovarian cancer stem cells

11. Alfredo,Fusco 意大利 University of Naples Federico II HMGA1-pseudogenes and cancer

12. 陈龙邦 中国 东部战区总医院 The Emerging Role of Inhibitor of Growth 4 as a Tumor Suppressor in Multiple Human Cancers

13. 毛传斌 中国 浙江大学 Delivery of inhibitor of growth 4 (ING4) gene significantly inhibits proliferation and invasion and ..

14. Matthias,Ernst 澳大利亚 La Trobe University Molecular Pathways: IL11 as a Tumor-Promoting Cytokine-Translational Implications for Cancers

15. Karl,Riabowol 加拿大 University of Calgary Keep-ING balance: Tumor suppression by epigenetic regulation

16. Karl,Riabowol 加拿大 University of Calgary Reduced ING1 levels in breast cancer promotes metastasis

17. Carlos,Simón 西班牙 University of VALENCIA The impact of using the combined oral contraceptive pill for cycle scheduling on gene expression rel..

18. Antonio,Pellicer 西班牙 University of VALENCIA The impact of using the combined oral contraceptive pill for cycle scheduling on gene expression rel..

19. Juan A,Garcia-Velasco 西班牙 Universidad Rey Juan Carlos The impact of using the combined oral contraceptive pill for cycle scheduling on gene expression rel..

20. Koji,Taniguchi 日本 Keio University IL-6 and related cytokines as the critical lynchpins between inflammation and cancer








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