

叶祥明 浙江省人民医院被知名学者引用:111人次(黄金会员以上可以申请导出本人论文被全部知名学者引用的数据)

1. 李兰娟 中国 浙江大学 中国工程院院士 Alcohol dehydrogenase 1 is a tubular mitophagy-dependent apoptosis inhibitor against septic acute ki..

2. Yaffe, Kristine 美国 University of California, San Francisco 2019美国医学院院士 Associations of 24-Hour Light Exposure and Activity Patterns and Risk of Cognitive Impairment and De..

3. Lane, Nancy E. 美国 University of California, Davis Health System 2013美国医学院院士 Associations of 24-Hour Light Exposure and Activity Patterns and Risk of Cognitive Impairment and De..

4. 赵继宗 中国 首都医科大学 中国科学院院士 Impairment and Plasticity of Language-Related White Matter in Patients With Brain Arteriovenous Malf..

5. 刘念 中国 浙江大学 特聘研究员 Synchronously manipulating absorption and nonradiative transition of croconaine via donor engineerin..

6. Alberto,Verrotti 意大利 University of Perugia Cannabidiol: metabolism and clinical efficacy in epileptic patients

7. Lucilla,Parnetti 意大利 University of Perugia Cannabidiol: metabolism and clinical efficacy in epileptic patients

8. Hugues,Duffau 法国 University of Montpellier Integrating direct electrical brain stimulation with the human connectome

9. 刘念 中国 浙江大学 特聘研究员 Chalcogen Atom-Modulated Croconaine for Efficient NIR-II Photothermal Theranostics

10. 高建青 中国 浙江大学 求是特聘教授 Stem cell-based ischemic stroke therapy: Novel modifications and clinical challenges

11. Argye E,Hillis 美国 Johns Hopkins University Resting state correlates of picture description informativeness in left vs. right hemisphere chronic..

12. Julius,Fridriksson 美国 University of South Carolina Network-based statistics distinguish anomic and Broca's aphasia

13. Rocco Salvatore,Calabro 意大利 IRCCS Center Neurolesi Bonino Pulejo Neurophysiological and Psychometric Outcomes in Minimal Consciousness State after Advanced Audio-Vid..

14. Keith R,Abrams 英国 University of Leicester Individual participant data from digital sources informed and improved precision in the evaluation o..

15. Cirulli, Francesca 意大利 Center Behavior Science & Mental Health Acute stress symptoms in general population during the first wave of COVID lockdown in Italy: Result..

16. Bernardo,Dell'Osso 意大利 University of Milan Acute stress symptoms in general population during the first wave of COVID lockdown in Italy: Result..

17. Maurizio,Pompili 意大利 Sapienza University of Rome Acute stress symptoms in general population during the first wave of COVID lockdown in Italy: Result..

18. 王拥军 中国 首都医科大学 主任医师 Predictors and outcomes of deep venous thrombosis in patients with acute ischemic stroke: results fr..

19. Kenneth,Maiese 美国 WAYNE STATE University The impact of aging and oxidative stress in metabolic and nervous system disorders: programmed cell ..

20. Sonia,Ancoli-Israel 美国 University of California San Diego Associations of 24-Hour Light Exposure and Activity Patterns and Risk of Cognitive Impairment and De..








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