

吴荣德 山东省立医院被知名学者引用:160人次(黄金会员以上可以申请导出本人论文被全部知名学者引用的数据)

1. 张旭 中国 解放军总医院 2021中国科学院院士 Seminoma arising in splenogonadal fusion: a case report and literature review

2. 陈洪渊 中国 南京大学 中国科学院院士 Photoelectrochemical Cytosensors

3. 陈可冀 中国 中国中医研究院 中国科学院院士 Monosodium Glutamate-Induced Mouse Model With Unique Diabetic Retinal Neuropathy Features and Artifi..

4. Altman, Russ Biagio 美国 Stanford University 2009美国医学院院士 A Literature-Based Knowledge Graph Embedding Method for Identifying Drug Repurposing Opportunities i..

5. 仝小林 中国 中国中医科学院 主任医师 中国科学院院士 Abnormal expressions of AGEs, TGF-beta 1, BDNF and their receptors in diabetic rat colon-Association..

6. Darzi, Ara , FMedSci 英国 Imperial College London 2013美国医学院院士 Diabetes resolution and hyperinsulinaemia after metabolic Roux-en-Y gastric bypass

7. 吴丹 中国 济南大学 副教授 Magnetic photoelectrochemical sensor array utilizing addressing sensing strategy for simultaneous de..

8. 魏琴 中国 济南大学 Magnetic photoelectrochemical sensor array utilizing addressing sensing strategy for simultaneous de..

9. 卢小泉 中国 西北师范大学 教授,博士生导师 Realizing Ultrasensitive and Accurate Point-of-Care Profiling for ATP with a Triple-Mode Strategy Ba..

10. 陈智栋 中国 常州大学 研究员 Self-powered photoelectrochemical sensing for sensitive detection of chloramphenicol based on sulfur..

11. Allan M,Goldstein 美国 Harvard University Autologous cell transplantation for treatment of colorectal aganglionosis in mice

12. Paolo,Pedrazzoli 意大利 University of Pavia Pediatric Solid Cancers: Dissecting the Tumor Microenvironment to Improve the Results of Clinical Im..

13. 王光丽 中国 江南大学 Thioredoxin Reductase-Mediated Reaction Evokes In Situ Surface Polarization Effect on BiOIO

14. Robert O,Heuckeroth 美国 University of Pennsylvania Sequencing Reveals miRNAs Enriched in the Developing Mouse Enteric Nervous System

15. Allan M,Goldstein 美国 Harvard University Agrin Inhibition in Enteric Neural Stem Cells Enhances Their Migration Following Colonic Transplanta..

16. Herrmann, Martin 德国 University of Erlangen-Nuremberg Intra-arterial delivery of neurospheres into isolated perfused porcine colons: a proof of concept

17. 鞠熀先 中国 南京大学 A self-powered photoelectrochemical biosensing platform for H-FABP monitoring mediated by CsPbBr3@CO..

18. 魏琴 中国 济南大学 A self-powered photoelectrochemical biosensing platform for H-FABP monitoring mediated by CsPbBr3@CO..

19. 吴丹 中国 济南大学 副教授 Photoelectrochemical Sensor with a Z-Scheme Fe2O3/CdS Heterostructure for Sens..

20. 魏琴 中国 济南大学 Photoelectrochemical Sensor with a Z-Scheme Fe2O3/CdS Heterostructure for Sens..








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