

张治 上海交通大学医学院被知名学者引用:112人次(黄金会员以上可以申请导出本人论文被全部知名学者引用的数据)

1. 葛均波 中国 复旦大学 心内科主任 中国科学院院院士 博士生导师 中国科学院院士 Apelin orotects against ischemia-reperfusion injury in dhoetic mvocardium via inhibiting apoorosis a..

2. Koroshetz, Walter J. 美国 National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke 2015美国医学院院士 Launching Effectiveness Research to Guide Practice in Neurosurgery: A National Institute Neurologica..

3. Roderick J,Little 美国 University of Michigan 2011美国医学院院士 Launching Effectiveness Research to Guide Practice in Neurosurgery: A National Institute Neurologica..

4. Donald B,Rubin 中国 清华大学 2010美国科学院院士 Launching Effectiveness Research to Guide Practice in Neurosurgery: A National Institute Neurologica..

5. Chiocca, E. Antonio 美国 Harvard Medical School 2014美国医学院院士 Launching Effectiveness Research to Guide Practice in Neurosurgery: A National Institute Neurologica..

6. Chlopicki, Stefan 波兰 Jagiellonian University Chymase-independent vascular Ang-(1-12)/Ang II pathway and TXA2 generation are involved in endotheli..

7. A. Michael,Lincoff 美国 Cleveland Clinic Coronary spasm and vasomotor dysfunction as a cause of MINOCA

8. Stephen G,Ellis 美国 Cleveland Clinic Coronary spasm and vasomotor dysfunction as a cause of MINOCA

9. Gulati, Rajiv 美国 Mayo Clinic - Rochester Coronary spasm and vasomotor dysfunction as a cause of MINOCA

10. Bernard J,Gersh 美国 Mayo Clinic - Rochester Coronary spasm and vasomotor dysfunction as a cause of MINOCA

11. Mikael,Rydén 瑞典 Karolinska Institute CRISPR/Cas9-mediated deletion of adipocyte genes associated with NAFLD alters adipocyte lipid handli..

12. Ferrario, Carlos M. 美国 Wake Forest University School of Medicine Is chymase 1 a therapeutic target in cardiovascular disease?

13. Louis J,Dell'Italia 美国 University of ALABAMA Is chymase 1 a therapeutic target in cardiovascular disease?

14. Ferrario, Carlos M. 美国 Wake Forest University School of Medicine Increased CaMKII activation and contrast changes of cardiac 131-and 133-Adrenergic signaling pathway..

15. De Yun,Wang 新加坡 National University Singapore Review on the Advancements of Stethoscope Types in Chest Auscultation

16. Guo-Chang,Fan 美国 University of Cincinnati Lipocalin family proteins and their diverse roles in cardiovascular disease

17. Ferrario, Carlos M. 美国 Wake Forest University School of Medicine Immunoneutralization of human angiotensin-(1-12) with a monoclonal antibody in a humanized model of ..

18. Carlo,Salvarani 意大利 University of Modena & Reggio Emilia VECTOR: An algorithm for the detection of COVID-19 pneumonia from velcro-like lung sounds

19. Lovell, Nigel H. 澳大利亚 University of NEW South WALES Artificial Intelligence Based Blood Pressure Estimation From Auscultatory and Oscillometric Waveform..

20. Jorgen,Vestbo 英国 University of Manchester Automated lung sound analysis using the LungPass platform: a sensitive and specific tool for identif..








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