Ich will nicht nach Berlin! – Life course analysis of inter-regional migration behaviour of people from the field of design and advertising


Alfken Christoph1


1. Institute of Economic and Cultural Geography, Leibniz Universität Hannover, Schneiderberg 50, 30167 Hannover, Germany


Florida's idea that people, rather than the business climate, attracts talents from outside a region has induced a huge number of studies that test his concept of a ‘creative class’. Most studies are quantitative in nature and deal with ‘observed choices’. Qualitative research can complement these studies by revealing the intrinsic motivations for migration. However, many qualitative studies lack a life course perspective that is essential for understanding migration. This article presents results from a case study that applied the life history calendar method using in-depth interviews with individuals from the field of design and advertising in three German regions. The results show that the intention to move and the motives of migration vary significantly over a person's lifetime. Social relations, qualifications and employment opportunities as well as self-employment are the main reasons for moving or staying. There is little evidence that soft location factors such as openness and tolerance shape migration decisions and destination choices. The stories of the interviewees are lively accounts why not all creative people gravitate towards creative hubs like Berlin and instead settle down in second-tier cities.


SAGE Publications


Environmental Science (miscellaneous),Geography, Planning and Development

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