Ethical considerations about the collection of biological samples for genetic analysis in clinical trials


Galende-Domínguez Inés123,Rivero-Lezcano Octavio M4567ORCID


1. Unidad de Apoyo SG Formación y ADS, Spain

2. D.G. de Investigación, Docencia y Documentación

3. Consejería de Sanidad, Comunidad de Madrid. Spain

4. Complejo Asistencial Universitario de León-Unidad de Investigación, Spain

5. Gerencia Regional de Salud de Castilla y León (SACYL), Spain

6. Institute of Biomedical Research of Salamanca (IBSAL), Spain

7. Institute of Biomedicine. University of León, Spain


Progress in precision medicine is being achieved through the design of clinical trials that use genetic biomarkers to guide stratification of patients and assignation to treatment or control groups. Genetic analysis of biomarkers is, therefore, essential to complete their objectives, and this involves the study of biological samples from donor patients that have been recruited according to criteria previously established in the design of the clinical trial. Nevertheless, it is becoming very common that, in the solicitation of biological samples, purposes that are beyond the objectives of the stated therapeutic trial research are introduced, like the development of ill-explained exploratory studies or the use in unspecified future research. In the digital era, the sequencing of patients’ DNA needs to be considered as a serious security matter, not only for the patients, but also for their relatives. Genetic information may be easily stored, even forever, in digital files. This engenders a permanent risk of being stolen or misused in many ways. Furthermore, re-identification of sample donors is technically feasible through their genetic data. For these reasons, genetic analysis of samples collected in clinical trials should be restricted to the accomplishment of their main objectives or well justified goals.


SAGE Publications



Reference19 articles.

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4. Research Ethics Recommendations for Whole-Genome Research: Consensus Statement

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1. Pharmacogenomics in clinical trials: an overview;Frontiers in Pharmacology;2023-10-20







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