Sertraline-Induced Tics: A Case Report and Narrative Review


Arasu Ramesh1ORCID,Badeshae Semran1,Furlong Yulia23,Chen Wai14567


1. Youth Mental Health Unit, Fiona Stanley Hospital, Perth, WA, Australia

2. Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service, Perth Children Hospital, Perth, WA, Australia

3. Division of Psychiatry, Medical School, University of Western Australia, Perth, WA, Australia

4. Curtin Medical School, Curtin University, Perth, WA, Australia

5. Graduate School of Education, University of Western Australia, Perth, WA, Australia

6. School of Medicine, University of Notre Dame Australia, Perth, WA, Australia

7. Department of Psychology, Murdoch University, Perth, WA, Australia


This brief report describes the case of a 16-year-old girl who was commenced on sertraline for anxiety and depression, and subsequently developed severe and debilitating motor tics. Cessation of sertraline was associated with the resolution of tics; after this, paroxetine was trialled and well tolerated with good response of targeted symptoms and without re-emergence of tics. A narrative literature review yielded a retrospective observational study and eight single case reports on selective serotonin receptor inhibitor-induced motor tics (three in adolescents and five in adults). Tics are not commonly considered as a side-effect of SSRIs. This case report is novel is several aspects: the tics emergence was immediate whereas previous cases were delayed; the tics symptoms were measured and quantified by a validated scale; a dose-response relationship was observed; to our knowledge, our case was the first adolescent female reported; and finally, paroxetine was well-tolerated as a substitute, although it is unclear whether the observed tics-sparing effect is co-incidental, ideocratic or can be replicated.


SAGE Publications


Pharmacology (medical)

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1. Fluoxetine/sertraline;Reactions Weekly;2022-09-17







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