Individual Differences in Information-Processing Ability as a Predictor of Motor Vehicle Accidents


Avolio Bruce J.1,Kroeck K. Galen2,Panek Paul E.3


1. School of Management, State University of New York at Binghamton, Binghamton, New York

2. School of Management, Florida International University, Miami, Florida

3. Psychology Department, Eastern Illinois University, Charleston, Illinois


The objectives of this investigation were two-fold: to replicate and extend prior research that has provided evidence to support the use of information-processing measures as potential indices for predicting motor vehicle accident involvement and to test a newly developed measure of visual selective attention for predicting accident involvement. Seventy-two drivers (aged from 28 to 59) were tested on three measures of information processing. In accordance with prior research, performance on two measures of selective attention was significantly correlated with individual accident rates. Information-processing measures are discussed with regard to their possible use in the prediction of motor vehicle accidents.


SAGE Publications


Behavioral Neuroscience,Applied Psychology,Human Factors and Ergonomics

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2. Driving mental workload and performance of ageing drivers;Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour;2020-02

3. Predicting distracted driving: The role of individual differences in working memory;Applied Ergonomics;2019-01

4. Safety culture;Human Safety and Risk Management;2018-10-09

5. A Semi-Naturalistic Grocery List Recall Task as a Working Memory Distractor;Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting;2018-09







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