Effects of the discharge plan on the caregiving load of people with chronic disease: Quasi-experimental study


Carvajal Carrascal Gloria1,Fuentes Ramírez Alejandra1,Pulido Barragán Sandra Patricia2,Guevara Lozano Maryory1,Sánchez-Herrera Beatriz1ORCID


1. School of Nursing and rehabilitation, Universidad de La Sabana, Chia, Cundinamarca, Colombia

2. Nursing Education Coordinator, E.S.E. Hospital Universitario de La Samaritana, Bogota, Cundinamarca, Colombia


Hospitalization due to non-transmissible chronic disease (NTCD) affects people and health institutions negatively. Healthcare systems need integral strategies to minimize this impact. Objective To determine the effect of an anticipated care plan, structured around hospital discharge (PC-AH-US), regarding the caregiving load of people with NTCD residing in Colombia, 2019–2021. Method This is a quasi-experimental study with pre- and post-intervention measurements. It includes 1170 participants who represented 585 chronic disease patient–caregiver pairs. We compared the PC-AH-US intervention, to the regular intervention. Results The PC-AH-US intervention group showed better results in all dimensions when compared to the regular intervention group: Awareness 8.7 (SD: 0.7) and 6.8 (SD: 1.7); Acknowledgement of their unique conditions 11.3 (SD: 1.0) and 9.4 (SD: 1.8); Capacity to fulfill care tasks 8.8 (SD: 0.7) and 7.5 (SD: 1.5); Wellbeing 11.4 (SD: 0.90) and 8.87 (SD: 2.3); Anticipation 5.88 (SD: 0.4) and 4.7 (SD: 1.1) and Support Network 11.4 (SD: 0.8) and 9.9 (SD: 2.5). Conclusion The PC-AH-US intervention group showed a statistically significant decrease in the caregiving load for people with NTCD ( p < 00). There were no significant institutional differences in readmissions or deaths. The PC-AH-US intervention backs institutional policies meant to care for people with NTCD.


SAGE Publications


Health Policy,General Medicine

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