Hospice and palliative care in the UK 1994-5, including a summary of trends 1990-5


Eve Ann1,Smith Anthony M2,Tebbit Peter3


1. Hospice Information Service

2. Medical Director, Pilgrims Hospices of East Kent

3. National Palliative Care Development Adviser, National Council for Hospice and Specialist Palliative Care Services


A survey of hospice and specialist palliative care services in the UK in the year 1994-5 was undertaken, enquiring about inpatient, home care and day care services. Over 500 questionnaires were sent out in June 1995 and replies were analysed by the Hospice Information Service. Details of admissions, deaths, discharges and length of patient care are given, as well as an analysis of ethnic grouping, diagnosis, age and sex of patients. The response rates to various parts of the questionnaire are tabulated and national estimates are made of the numbers of patients receiving palliative care from specialist providers. The survey is one in a series of annual surveys and the development of specialist palliative care services over the last five years is discussed.


SAGE Publications


Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine,General Medicine

Reference7 articles.

1. Survey of hospice and palliative care inpatient units in the UK and Ireland, 1993

2. Office of population and census surveys (OPCS) 1991, 1993. Personal communication from General Register Offices in Scotland and Ireland.

3. Dying from cancer: results of a national population-based investigation

4. Hospice bed provision by Regional Health Authority. Hospice Information Service, 1994.

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