Pre-hospital management of patients with chest pain and/or dyspnoea of cardiac origin. A position paper of the Acute Cardiovascular Care Association (ACCA) of the ESC.


Beygui Farzin1,Castren Maaret2,Brunetti Natale Daniele3,Rosell-Ortiz Fernando4,Christ Michael5,Zeymer Uwe6,Huber Kurt7,Folke Fredrik8,Svensson Leif9,Bueno Hector10,van’t Hof Arnoud11,Nikolaou Nikolaos12,Nibbe Lutz13,Charpentier Sandrine14,Swahn Eva15,Tubaro Marco16,Goldstein Patrick17,


1. Department of Cardiology, Interventional Cardiology and Cardiology Research Units, Caen University Hospital, France

2. Department of Emergency Medicine and Services, Helsinki University Hospital and Helsinki University, Finland; Karolinska Institutet, Department of Clinical Science and Education, Stockholm, Sweden

3. University of Foggia, Italy

4. Empresa Pública de Emergencias Sanitarias de Andalucía, Spain

5. Paracelsus Medical University, Nuremberg, Germany

6. Wir leben Medizin, Klinikum der Stadt Ludwigshafen am Rhein gGmbH, Germany

7. Third Department of Medicine, Cardiology and Emergency Medicine, Wilhelminenhospital, Vienna, Austria

8. Department of Cardiology, Copenhagen University Hospital, Gentofte, Denmark

9. Department of Medicine, Centre for Resuscitation Science, Karolinska Institutet Solna, Sweden

10. Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Cardiovasculares and Department of Cardiology, Hospital 12 de Octubre, Madrid, Spain

11. ISALA Academy, Interventional Cardiology, Zwolle, The Netherlands

12. Cardiology Department, Konstantopouleio General Hospital, Athens, Greece

13. Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Charité, Campus Virchow-Klinikum, Medizinische Klinik m.S. Intensivmedizin und Nephrologie, Berlin, Germany

14. Emergency Department, University Hospital of Rangueil, Toulouse, France

15. Department of Cardiology and Department of Medical and Health Sciences, Linköping University, Sweden

16. ICCU, Division of Cardiology, San Filippo Neri Hospital, Rome, Italy

17. SAMU and Emergency Department, Lille University Hospital, France


Chest pain and acute dyspnoea are frequent causes of emergency medical services activation. The pre-hospital management of these conditions is heterogeneous across different regions of the world and Europe, as a consequence of the variety of emergency medical services and absence of specific practical guidelines. This position paper focuses on the practical aspects of the pre-hospital treatment on board and transfer of patients taken in charge by emergency medical services for chest pain and dyspnoea of suspected cardiac aetiology after the initial assessment and diagnostic work-up. The objective of the paper is to provide guidance, based on evidence, where available, or on experts’ opinions, for all emergency medical services’ health providers involved in the pre-hospital management of acute cardiovascular care.


Oxford University Press (OUP)


Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine,Critical Care and Intensive Care Medicine,General Medicine







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