Importance of Incorporating the Perspectives of People with Cancer into Oncology Education: A Scoping Review


Dutt Hanna12,Dean Arleigh12,Kamal Rayyan Syed12,Allan Alison L.13


1. London Regional Cancer Program, London Health Sciences Centre, London, Ontario, Canada

2. Interdisciplinary Medical Sciences Program, Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry, Western University, London, Ontario, Canada

3. Department of Anatomy & Cell Biology, and Department of Oncology, Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry, Western University, London, Ontario, Canada


Background With the shift towards person-centered care (PCC) in oncology, there is a need for parallel evolution of oncology education programs to prepare the next generation of health professionals to deliver effective PCC. These programs should be designed utilizing perspectives from individuals who have lived experience with cancer to ensure that changes to education curricula translate to improved PCC in the clinic. Objectives Our goal was to identify existing literature describing such programs as well as identify gaps for further development. Methods Keywords were agreed upon and searched across Ovid Medline, Ovid Embase, ERIC, Google Scholar, and MedEdPORTAL databases. Duplicates were removed, unique articles were screened for relevance by title and abstract, and a full text review of each article was completed for validation. Included articles describe methods for involving people with cancer in developing and/or delivering oncology-focused education programs. Results In total, 15 articles describing 12 unique oncology education programs from 7 different countries were identified, reviewed, and summarized. These programs involved learners undertaking undergraduate medical education, postgraduate medical education, continuing medical education, or training as nurses or radiation therapists. Current literature indicates that classroom-based sessions, experiential or simulated learning modalities, and/or asynchronous online modules can all feasibly be created with the integration of perspectives/narratives of people with cancer. Furthermore, involving people with cancer directly in the design and/or delivery of these education programs may contribute to improved patient experiences. Conclusions Including the perspectives of people with cancer directly in oncology curriculum development and delivery can improve established pedagogical approaches and enhance learner confidence and competency in delivering PCC. We provide recommendations for stepwise implementation of patient perspectives into oncology education, with the hope that future programs will better prepare and motivate learners to provide PCC aimed at improving cancer care, quality of life, and disease outcomes.


London Health Sciences Foundation


SAGE Publications


General Medicine







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