Structured Work Systems: Supporting Meaningful Engagement in Preschool Settings for Children With Autism Spectrum Disorders


Carnahan Christina1,Harte Helene2,Schumacher Karin3,Hume Kara4,Borders Christy5


1. University of Cincinnati,

2. Northern Kentucky University

3. University of Cincinnati

4. University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill

5. Illinois State University


The preschool day begins in one suburban midwestern city. Children engage in a variety of activities throughout this inclusive classroom. Some children seem engrossed in play, and others participate in small groups with the teacher. However, at a center in the corner of the classroom, one child appears different from the rest. Kim, a 4-year-old, is not playing with the materials available in the centers or in the small-group project. She walks around the center, running her finger around the edge of the shelves and along the wall. She does not look at her peers or show interest in the games her friends are playing or any of the learning materials. When her peers approach, she turns her head toward the walls or shelves and continues walking. When her teacher, Mrs. Hopper, approaches with toys, she begins to cry or runs away to another area of the classroom. Transitions are especially hard for Kim, often resulting in tantrums or avoidance behavior. This is especially true when the transition is not part of Kim’s day-to-day routine.


SAGE Publications


Developmental and Educational Psychology,Education

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