Possible, yes, but useful? Why the search for possibilities is limited but can be enhanced by expertise


Ormerod Thomas C1


1. University of Sussex, UK


In creative domains such as art, design and science, the generation of novel possibilities is highly desirable. However, most human activity takes place outside of domains where the generation of novel possibilities is prescriptively optimal, and indeed to do so may be undesirable. In this paper, evidence for the paucity of possibility generation will be described, even in instances where generation of multiple possibilities might be desirable. Conversely, the value of focussing on currently explored rather than novel possibilities is demonstrated with reference to a computational model of insight problem-solving. It is suggested that, in domains where generation of creative possibilities is a task requirement, strategies acquired though domain expertise are needed to push thinking into new possibility spaces. These strategies are illustrated by case studies and data from domains of insurance fraud and police investigations, educational task design and puzzle solving.


SAGE Publications

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1. The relationship between creativity and insight: A case of the wrong answer?;The Cognitive Psychology Bulletin;2024-01-30

2. The new science of possibility;Possibility Studies & Society;2023-11-13

3. Embracing difference and cultivating hope: The transformative potential of Possibility Studies;Possibility Studies & Society;2023-05-11

4. Craft;Creativity — A New Vocabulary;2023

5. Serendipitous Cognition—The Systematic Consideration of the Accidental Genesis of New Ideas;Serendipity Science;2023








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