Identifying and Predicting Classes of Response to Explicit Phonological Spelling Instruction During Independent Composing


Amtmann Dagmar1,Abbott Robert D.2,Berninger Virginia W.2


1. University of Washington, Seattle,

2. University of Washington, Seattle


After explicit spelling instruction, low achieving second grade spellers increased the number of correctly spelled words during composing but differed in response trajectories. Class 1 (low initial and slow growth) had the lowest initial performance and improved at a relatively slow rate. Class 2 (high initial and fast growth) started higher than Class 1 but below Class 3 and improved at the fastest rate. Class 3 (highest initial but slow growth) had the highest initial performance but improved at a rate similar to Class 1. Class 3 differed from Classes 1 and 2 on orthographic coding. Classes 1, 2, and 3 differed on rapid automatic naming (RAN letters). Spelling instruction plus supplementary activities to improve orthographic coding in working memory and rapid, automatic coordination of phonological and orthographic codes may facilitate transfer of spelling learned during instruction to applying that spelling knowledge during independent composing.


SAGE Publications


General Health Professions,Education,Health (social science)

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3. Year-Long Balanced Reading/Writing Tutorial: A Design Experiment Used for Dynamic Assessment







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