Race-Based Rejection Sensitivity and the Integrated Motivational Volitional Model of Suicide in a Sample of Black Women


Clement Déjà N.1ORCID,Awad Shadin A.1,Oliphant Vanessa N.1,Wingate LaRicka R.1


1. Department of Psychology, Oklahoma State University


Black women’s rates of suicide ideation have risen steadily, and this increase may be due to socioecological factors such as race-related stress. Experiences of race-related stress may be associated with feelings of defeat and entrapment, significant predictors of suicide ideation, as studies have identified that race-based rejection may be humiliating and cause feelings of defeat. Black women may experience race-based rejection sensitivity (RRS) because of historical inequities and discrimination. The current study examined relationships among defeat, entrapment, RRS, and suicide ideation in Black women. Mediation analysis indicated direct associations between defeat and suicide ideation and indirect associations by way of entrapment in Black women. Results indicated that RRS did not significantly moderate the relationship between defeat and entrapment, defeat and suicide ideation, or entrapment and suicide ideation. The current study advances research on mental health equity and suicide by adding to the scant work conducted on risk factors for suicide in Black women.


SAGE Publications


Clinical Psychology

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