Boys’ Internalized Appearance-Related Norms from Different Socializers Uniquely, Negatively Relate to Wellbeing and Gender Beliefs


Nielson Matthew G.1ORCID,Tolman Deborah23,Martin Carol Lynn4ORCID,Fraser Ashley M.5


1. Department of Psychology, New York University Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

2. Department of Women and Gender Studies, Hunter College, New York, NY, USA

3. Department of Psychology, The Graduate Center CUNY, New York, NY, USA

4. T. Denny Sanford School of Human and Family Development, Arizona State University, Tempe, USA

5. School of Family Life, Brigham Young University, Provo, UT, USA


Much of the work on body image socialization masks the potentially unique influence of different socializers, yet clearer understanding of socialization mechanisms and ideological context aid intervention efforts. We explored how fathers, female peers, male peers, and adolescent boys themselves produce different levels of internalized appearance-related norms and how these socializer-specific norms differentially relate to wellbeing and beliefs related to gender identity. With a sample of early adolescent boys ( n = 260; M age = 11.44 years, SD age = .56, 64% White), we used SEM to investigate relations between internalized norms, wellbeing, and gender beliefs. We found that most boys internalized appearance-related norms, and that boys reported higher levels of norms from themselves than from fathers or peers. Internalized appearance-related norms from different socializers uniquely related to self-esteem, private/public regard of gender, and self-presentation expectations in peer interactions. This relational framework provides unique insights into boys’ experiences with their appearance and the role of different socializers.


Cowden Fellowship fund

CARE lab


SAGE Publications


Life-span and Life-course Studies,Sociology and Political Science,Social Sciences (miscellaneous),Developmental and Educational Psychology

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1. The Evolution of Masculinity and Dress Aesthetics: A Data-Mining Approach to Analyzing Social Media Discourse;International Journal of Costume and Fashion;2023-12-31

2. Physical attractiveness;Reference Module in Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Psychology;2023







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