Enteroviral Encephalitis Leading to a Locked-in State


Acharya Victoria Z.1,Talwar Dinesh2,Elliott Sean P.3


1. Department of Pediatrics, Phoenix Children's Hospital, Phoenix, Arizona

2. Pediatric Neurologic Associates, University of Arizona College of Medicine Tucson, Arizona

3. Department of Pediatrics, Section of Infectious Diseases, University of Arizona College of Medicine Tucson, Arizona, .


Millions of children are infected by enteroviruses each year, usually exhibiting only mild symptoms. Although enteroviruses are a common cause of community-acquired aseptic meningitis, enteroviral meningitis usually has a benign course. We describe a 14-year-old patient with enteroviral meningoencephalitis diagnosed by polymerase chain reaction. Her level of consciousness declined rapidly after hospital admission and resulted in a locked-in state. Although she experienced slow neurologic improvement, residual neurologic deficits remain. Although there is a general awareness of the characteristics of enteroviral encephalitis, this case report is significant in presenting a case of unusual severity and sequelae. To our knowledge, this is the first published report of an enterovirus encephalitis leading to a locked-in-state. ( J Child Neurol 2001;16:864—866).


SAGE Publications


Clinical Neurology,Pediatrics, Perinatology, and Child Health

Reference13 articles.

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4. Chronic Enteroviral Meningoencephalitis in Agammaglobulinemic Patients

5. Sequelae of Central-Nervous-System Enterovirus Infections

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