Survival of Childhood Cancer Patients in Italy, 1978–1989


Magnani Corrado1,Pastore Guido2,Verdecchia Arduino3,Capocaccia Riccardo3,De Angelis Roberta3,Valente Fulvia3,Chessa Egidio3,Sant Milena4,Gatta Gemma4,Micheli Andrea4,Berrino Franco4,Zanetti Roberto5,Rosso Stefano5,Magnani Corrado6,Terracini Benedetto6,Luisa Mosso Maria6,Vercelli Marina7,Casella Claudia7,Parodi Stefano7,De Lisi Vincenzo8,Serventi Lidia8,Barchielli Alessandro9,Buiatti Eva9,Balzi Daniela9,Crocetti Emanuele9,Falcini Fabio10,Nanni Oriana10,Ponz de Leon Maurizio11,Roncucci Luca11,Federico Massimo12,Mangone Lucia12,Conti Ettore13,Ramazzotti Valerio13,Gafà Lorenzo14,La Rosa Maria14,


1. Childhood Cancer Registry of Piedmont, Servizio Universitario di Epidemiologia dei Tumori, Azienda Ospedaliera S. Giovanni Battista, Torino;

2. Divisione di Pediatria, Ospedale Civile, Vercelli;

3. Istituto Superiore di Sanità

4. Lombardy Cancer Registry (CR)

5. Piedmont and Valle d'Aosta CR

6. Childhood CR of Piedmont

7. Genova CR

8. Parma CR

9. Tuscany CR

10. CR of Romagna

11. Colorectal CR of Modena

12. Modena CR

13. Latina CR

14. Ragusa CR


In the framework of the ITACARE project, a cooperative investigation conducted on the data from the Italian population-based cancer registries, survival of patients with childhood malignant neoplasms was studied. The study included 1,768 cases diagnosed at age 0–14 plus 29 osteosarcoma cases diagnosed at age 15–19. Cases were collected over the period 1978–1989, or more limited periods for some participating registries. A total of 1,138 cases were from the Childhood Cancer Registry of Piedmont and 659 from the registries operating in the provinces of Varese, Parma, Modena, Forlì and Ravenna, Florence, Latina, Ragusa and in the cities of Genova and Torino (the last contributed only for bone neoplasm diagnosed at age 15–19). Overall 5-year survival was 54% for malignancies diagnosed in 1978–1981, 60% for the period 1982–1985, and 69% for the period 1986–1989. The range among registries of 5-year survival for cases diagnosed in 1986–1989 was 55–78%. Most diagnostic categories presented an improved prognosis for the cases diagnosed more recently. For cases diagnosed in 1986–1989, 5-year survival was: 74% for acute lymphatic leukaemia, 40% for acute non-lymphatic leukaemia, 65% for central nervous system neoplasms (76% for astrocytoma, 75% for ependymoma and 85% for medulloblastoma), 66% for osteosarcoma, 55% for Ewing's sarcoma, 87% for Hodgkin's disease, 64% for non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, 74% for rhabdomyosarcoma, 64% for neuroblastoma, 78% for nephroblastoma and 100% for retinoblastoma. Italian survival was similar to that observed in other population-based surveys in the UK and USA.


SAGE Publications


Cancer Research,Oncology,General Medicine







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