Bufei huoxue capsules in the management of convalescent COVID‐19 infection: study protocol for a multicenter, double‐blind, and randomized controlled trial


Chen Yuqin1,He Wenjun1ORCID,Lu Wenju1,Xing Yue1,Bai Jianling2,Yu Hao2,Zhou Jiawei2,Liang Jingyi1,Chen Jiyuan1,Hou Chi13,Zhong Bihua1,Wang Ting4,Feng Huazhuo1,Chen Xu1,Wang Tao1,Yang Kai1,Zhang Nuofu1,Zhong Nanshan1,Liu Chunli1,Wang Jian1


1. State Key Laboratory of Respiratory DiseaseNational Center for Respiratory MedicineNational Clinical Research Center for Respiratory DiseaseGuangdong Key Laboratory of Vascular DiseaseGuangzhou Institute of Respiratory HealthThe First Affiliated Hospital of Guangzhou Medical UniversityGuangzhouChina

2. Department of BiostatisticsSchool of Public HealthNanjing Medical UniversityNanjingChina

3. Department of NeurologyGuangzhou Women and Children’s Medical CenterGuangzhouChina

4. Department of Respiratory Children’s Hospital of Chongqing Medical UniversityNational Clinical Research Center for Child Health and DisordersMinistry of Education Key Laboratory of Child Development and DisordersChongqingChina


Guangdong Leiyunshang Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.

Guangzhou Institute of Respiratory Health for Key Research of Independent Project




Pulmonary and Respiratory Medicine

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