Major Depression and its Association with Long-Term Medical Conditions


Gagnon Lisa M1,Pat ten Scott B2


1. Psy chi a try Res i dent, Uni ver sity of Al berta, De part ment ofPsy chi a try, Edmon ton, Al berta

2. As so ci ate Pro fes sor, De part ment ofCom mu nity Health Sci ences, Uni versity of Cal gary, Cal gary, Al berta


Objective: To replicate previously re ported as sociations between major depressive episodes (MDEs) and long-term medical conditions in a Canadian community sample. Methods: A sample of 2542 house hold residents was selected using random digit dialing (RDD). Data were collected by tele phone in ter view. The Composite International Diagnostic In ter view (CIDI)-Short Form for major depression (CIDI-SFMD) was used to identify MDEs occurring in the previous 12 months. Long-term medical conditions were identified by self-report. Results: The prevalence of MDE was elevated in those subjects who re ported 1 or more long-term medical conditions. The association was not due to con founding by age, sex, social support, or stressful recent life events. Conclusion: This study replicates a previously re ported as sociation between depressive disorders and long-term medical conditions. These cross-sectional associations suggest that medical conditions may increase the risk of major depression or that major depression may in crease the risk of medical conditions. Alternatively, comorbid medical conditions may influence the duration of depressive episodes, or vice versa. These explanations are not mutually exclusive.


SAGE Publications


Psychiatry and Mental health







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