Factors influencing aqueous flare after cataract surgery and its evaluation with laser flare photometry


Way Christopher1,Swampillai Andrew J.23,Lim Kin Sheng23,Nanavaty Mayank A.45ORCID


1. University Hospitals Sussex NHS Foundation Trust, Brighton, UK

2. Department of Ophthalmology, St. Thomas’ Hospital, London, UK

3. School of Life Course & Population Sciences, King’s College London, London, UK

4. University Hospitals Sussex NHS Foundation Trust, Sussex Eye Hospital, Eastern Road, Brighton, BN2 5BF, UK

5. Brighton & Sussex Medical School, University of Sussex, Falmer, Brighton, UK


Despite the refinement of modern cataract surgery, postoperative inflammation still constitutes a substantial amount of visual morbidity worldwide. A surrogate for intraocular inflammation and blood–aqueous barrier breakdown can be objectively quantified by Laser flare photometry (LFP). This review outlines the utility of LFP in assessing the assessment of post-cataract surgery inflammation. It highlights the impact of preoperative pathological states such as uveitis and diabetes, intraoperative techniques, including efficient phacoemulsification and direct comparisons between postoperative anti-inflammatory regimes. There is a large interobserver variation in the subjective flare measurement after cataract surgery and the continued use of LFP amongst other objective, noninvasive measurements of intraocular inflammation, particularly in the further development of cataract surgery, is recommended.


SAGE Publications


General Medicine

Reference141 articles.

1. The global state of cataract blindness

2. Eurostat, https://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/web/products-eurostat-news/-/ddn-20191204-1 (2019, accessed 6 January 2023).

3. NHS Digitial, https://digital.nhs.uk/data-and-information/publications/statistical/hospital-admitted-patient-care-activity/2019-20#highlights (2020, accessed 25 January 2023).

4. Phaco-Emulsification and Aspiration








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